Smoke tricks


Well-Known Member
I just figured out smoke rings last night. Do you like to do smoke tricks?

Got any specialties?

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
I can blow a series of five smoke rings off a big bong rip without pulling it all into my lungs that start out large and each pass through the inside of the previous ring.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
It's pretty easy to do three or four if you can curl the left and right side of your tong---kinda like a u---you start out with your tong pretty close to flat in your mouth and don't blow the first ring out far---just about three or four inches in front of your face---then curl the edges of your tong up a tad and blow the next ring with about the same amount of force---curl you tong up more---and blow a little harder now to compensate for the distance the rings have made from you---and so on.

I can also bounce smoke rings off of bar tops and trap them in beer glasses.


Well-Known Member
pretty much everything.

series of O's
french inhales
mushroom caps

can blow a O around a shot glass from a couple feet away


Well-Known Member
ghost inhales/snap inhales are always fun..
i like blowing 30 small o's off one hit, looks like a bunch of speghettios.


Active Member
in order to do these thick milky smoke tricks, do you just take a mouth-hit or do you inhale normally?