smoked a little hash. freaked out.


Well-Known Member
FUCK, i just finished smoking all my hash this morning, and i did it the lame way (glass pipe) i wish i gave the tin foil a go, it sounds intense! I remeber siting in my friends bathroom (hawaiian Hotboxing) there was four of us, one had a glass pipe, one have a HUGE joint, one had a 5 footer, and I had a twisty spirally 4 footer, i was so fucked that i crawled out of his bathroom on all fours and crawled outside where i sat on a lawnchair. Everytime i opened my eyes it was flashing red and blue, i was terrified! i woke up the next morning feeling SOO ill, until me and the same friends went to the nearest lagoon and hotboxed a tent while skimboarding....Stoner stories i will never forget!


Well-Known Member
Ahaha dude listen here,

The first time I got really fucked, just of regular weed, I flipped and thought I was going to die. I kept coming up with all these medical reasons and scenarios, and I was shaky, and called like 20 people saying "is this normal is this normal fuck fuck is this normal dude help fuck", etc. Anywhoo, I even called police non emergency over skype to hide my identity, and they were like "dude, go to sleep, you'll be fine". Fucking good times thinking back at it, but getting fucked up for the first time, especially on hash, especially while alone, is scary shit. Don't feel stupid, we've all flipped out before ;)


Well-Known Member
last night I smoked kind weed, idk what strain but I was so high I thought I had aids and began having a panic attack, I almost blacked out. I couldn't even text my girlfriend about it..I had to sit there and convince myself it was the weed haha

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
i actually had a bad freak out high when tending to my plants. i was smoking with 2 of my best friends at our grow and we start to hike out. i hear "theyre smoking over there! I KNOW IT!" and i pause, tell my friend what i just heard. Both of us are high as hell, thinking were going to get caught with the plants. Somehow i imagined the lady talking to a park ranger. We bolt down the hill and stop to regroup. They question me like "do you seriously think we should use our emergency exit?" and im like "i dont know if its the weed, but i sure as hell think that it is not safe to go the normal way".
We ended up walking on a road for 2 miles all because i was so paranoid of the grow. We even considered pulling up one of the plants just because 4 is better than 5 in the eyes of the law haha.
Never smoking next to my plants again...