smoked before but not in a while


New Member
Hello i love weed but when i smoke too much or a strong strain i have panic attacks and start running all over town become extremely paranoid suicidal sometimes but i was wondering if my body builds a tolerance over time and what strains are good for starting out again . Not trying to give weed a bad name just got wayyyyy to high to fast. Im also going to start growing i have epilepsy and anxiety attacks badly the seizures stopped but the anxiety is still there im hoping to medicate with weed


Well-Known Member
Look if you are saying that you feel suicidal or anxiety attacks from taking anything- stop taking it.
Be it weed, alcohol, carrots, coca-cola- if it makes bad things happen, taking it is a bad thing. Everyone is different. There are literally some people that can't drink water or have a shower... ok it's not the h20 that is hurting them but extreme chemical sensitivity to other things found in tap water- but do you get what I mean?

I've never EVER felt really paranoid, depressed, suicidal or any of those other symptoms of mental illness while smoking weed- and that's why I think it's personally ok for me but not necessarily everyone else to smoke (also as a side note i've also done IQ tests and have other reasons to suggest it's not hurting my cognitive ability, hand eye co-ordination or any other factor of my life- but again I can only speak for myself and not anyone else).

Seriously it is not normal or ok ever in your life to feel suicidal. If that ever happens, seek professional help and try to avoid any factors in your life inducing the feelings (including drug use).


Well-Known Member
I don't like smoking unless I'm at a place in my life where I can smoke a lot. I need to build a tolerance to weed in order to really enjoy it. It didn't use to be that way, but that's the way it is now. I don't ever feel suicidal or anything extreme like that, but unless my tolerance is built up I don't like it too much. I enjoy how it mellows me out, I don't like being blasted high, and unless my tolerance is up I get way too high too fast. I hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
If he feels suicidal from smoking though- it's not a safe option to just keep smoking and hope for a tolerance to build up... seriously it will be a contest of what comes first; death by suicide or tolerance... and he doesn't even know if 'tolerance' will ever come nor if that will take away the suicidal feelings. For all he knows, the longer he smokes the worse his mental state may get.
It's not worth the risk in my opinion. Forget about cannabis being a 'safe drug' or no one ever being recorded dead from it before- it's irrelevant if you yourself have a reaction (even if you are the only person in the world who reacts bad). Here is another example; to most people, a lolly may be colored red and do nothing more than taste like sugar when ingested- but to some children, the artificial preservatives and colors trigger and ADD reaction that can take as long as 24 hours to transpire (making it really hard to realize the causal link). So a simple lolly that is harmless to some should be avoided by others.... need one more? To me, a peanut is tasty... to someone else, eating it is a death sentence due to allergy.

Be sensible and look after yourself


Well-Known Member
Look if you are saying that you feel suicidal or anxiety attacks from taking anything- stop taking it.
Be it weed, alcohol, carrots, coca-cola- if it makes bad things happen, taking it is a bad thing. Everyone is different. There are literally some people that can't drink water or have a shower... ok it's not the h20 that is hurting them but extreme chemical sensitivity to other things found in tap water- but do you get what I mean?

I've never EVER felt really paranoid, depressed, suicidal or any of those other symptoms of mental illness while smoking weed- and that's why I think it's personally ok for me but not necessarily everyone else to smoke (also as a side note i've also done IQ tests and have other reasons to suggest it's not hurting my cognitive ability, hand eye co-ordination or any other factor of my life- but again I can only speak for myself and not anyone else).

Seriously it is not normal or ok ever in your life to feel suicidal. If that ever happens, seek professional help and try to avoid any factors in your life inducing the feelings (including drug use).
This is very good advice


New Member
The suicidal thoughts only come when im wayyyyyyyyyy to high . Dealt with it years ago i was wondering if there are some good strains to start out slowly again