Smoked weed and im scared out of my mind HELP!!


Active Member
ok about at 3 today i smoked a joint my friend made and i was coughing alot but after i started in dip into a dream mode or something i was having an out of body experiences and i was really scared. is this normal or you think it was laced? please help.


Active Member
where do u live

that sounds like pcp to me.

or some kinda light salvia mix. (but ive heard that is less than dream like)


Active Member
o ok nice my friend grows it with his dad and he said its good shit. anyway thanks guys. but the high is starting to fade yay m normal again. :)

I live in new jersey btw. someone wanted to no where i live.


Active Member
hhaha thanks. but i actually had like 4 perfect hits unitl that shit was burning my fingers. and also to add every so often i get like a wave of tingling and numbness go from my head throught my body and back. it happend every like 15 mins. it was crazy.


Active Member
I was pretty blazed like that once, it was the first time I stopped smoking for 7 days straight, didn't have any money...I took the 7 days without weed pretty good, but when I hit that dro blunt for the first time in a week, and I was on some other shit, I thought it was laced with something but I knew it wasn't, It was like I knew everybodies thoughts and they knew mine, it was weird, I kept telling myself its just weed and to ride it out, and I did. sometimes weed will do that to ya.


Well-Known Member
yea the very first time i smoked my own sticky was my senior year of highschool. like you said i hadnt smoked for a week or two and i said oh hell yes ima burn a fat ass blunt to the dome. needless to say it was some creeper strain that hit me as im drivin to school. i was straight flippin out and i said hell no an just got up and left class in the middle of first period. went home ate a hotpocket an packed another rip of my stanky goodness


Active Member
yea like i was concious of my behavior but it was hard to control it. i dont really talk alot but when i was blazed my friend was actually scared. i was talking for 45 mins straight and i was asking him if he thought i was acting weird. he was scared to answer. but it was told to be some of the most nasty shit since its homegrown. but thanksguys you made me feel alot better about this. how much morel longer will it be lasting i have school tomarrow.=(


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you were just super high my friend.I have had somethin like that happen when I was 13.


Active Member
im happy to hear im not the only one. and now i no what to expect....... im gonna do it again!!!! but like next summer hahahah


Active Member
i had SOMETHING like that happen 2 me once,

i smoked a blunt w/ some friends.. andi hit it like a tops of 3 times.. after that i had 2 sit down.. then laydown.. and my friend was fuckin w/ hes system n hes damn car, i couldnt hear SHIT, i started shaken really fuckin bad, n sweatin like a bitch...

i thoguht it was laced.. but i had the same weed.. and that never happend b4.. n that was the only time it happend..

till this day i still dont kno wtf happend.. but it scared the hell outa me.. didnt stop me from smokein tho lol