Smokefrogg's Lil Apartment Grow - 250 hps


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trainwreck? #1 and #2 - march 28 2010

it's been pretty hot lately, the 2 trainwreck girls have some very dry buds on them already, so of course i had to go for a test run =)

check out how different they look!

the one on the left is the plant that was super sparkly far before any of the others began to show trichomes in flowering, as far as smoke goes it is far superior to the one on the right

if anyone has any kind of guess on what they might be, please chime in!


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more round 2 shots - april 5 2010

here are a few shots of round 2 and the progress there

you can see a few of the girls got burned, i gave them nutrients far too early, strawberry cough and la woman showed signs first and are not doing too well on the recovery front, the thai plant looks like it was hardly phased, jack the ripper as well, cheese recovered super quick, kandy kush x skunk looked like it wasn't going to make it but has a fair amount of nice green new growth



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4 new sprouts! - april 7 2010

i woke up and looked and saw 3 more sprouts, 2 white rhino and 1 3rd dimension, came back from work and had a 3rd white rhino! here's some pics, i'll post a couple pics of the other plants as well



Active Member
thai grows fast! - april 9 2010

wow it's almost as big as the tallest ones planted 2 weeks prior, i am going to transplant a few of these in just a moment, beginning to show sex already and i don't see any nads so we should be good to go, may try to fit a 600watt hps in as well if i have time tonight


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baby area is back in effect, added some mylar to main area - april 13 2010

i need to finish mylaring this grow closet, you can see that the plants are looking better after i gave them some kelp based nutrients to help with N deficiency, since i have the babies out of here i lowered the lamp a bit, i should probably move the 2 small plants still in their biodegradable pot into something larger, thinking some plastic beer cups for now

i've set up an area for sprouts and babies again, we have 3 cfls in there right now and will be adding a small cheap led panel in about a week


Active Member
cheap-o ebay led panels - april 13 2010

i had money sitting in paypal for who knows how long, only like $50, so i decided to play around and get a cheapo quad band led panel to help supplement the cfls in the baby chamber, the led panel is only 13 watts, i am not expecting any massive results at all but i am curious if the panel will actually help my baby plants any

this is the same model that i had purchased, mine was $34

here's some info copied from the amazon ad:

Product Features
Solid state, Cooler running, High efficiency, Wide angle, Quad Band full spectrum plant lighting
96 Red light LEDs: 640nm, 60 Blue light LEDs: 465nm, 56 Orange Light LED: 620 n 24 White Light LED: 8000K
Recommended coverage: one panel per sq. ft
Power: 13.8 Watts, Input Voltage 120 Volt


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new sprout and the thai - april 14 2010

i planted a random bag seed a few days back, well today it sprouted, who knows what it could be!

also here is a pic of the thai plant, giving it some kelp based nutrients for N seemed to have helped, it's looking greener and isn't getting any more of the spots, none of the other plants are showing the spots either, hooray kelp!


Well-Known Member
Hey smokefrogg! Can't wait to see the veg box once you get those LEDs. I'm interested to see if there is any improvement. I know its not going to be mind blowing but it will be interesting to see how it turns out! Hope your kelp keeps working to get the yellowing nitrogen deficiency out! The leaves on that last picture look nice and flat which is always a good sign! keep up the good work!


Active Member
budget led installed, transplant and strawberries - april 15 2010

we'll start off with all the bigger girls vegging, in order of appearance, thai, jack the ripper, kandy kush x skunk, bagseed cheese

the led arrived in the mail today, i installed it into the baby sprout/vegetating area so now we wait and see what happens after a few days, pardon the dark picture as i'm still working out some things with this camera

a friend gave me some strawberry plants, they are kicking it under the light for a short while; i also transplanted 2 ganja girls into slightly larger containers, we're just using your standard disposable beer cup for the time being


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update - april 18 2010

not much to say here, plants are growing, we went away camping for a couple days and came back, they had definitely grown and gained a couple nodes


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preflowers? i think we got some nanners a hangin' - april 19 2010

2 of the plants appear to have preflowers, the one below appears to be female, the second one looks like a male at this point, debating on chopping or waiting a few more days on the male looking one



Active Member
cheese had nanners so it got chopped, popped in the backup cheese - april 19 2010

so the cheese was indeed a male, after careful examination all over the node sites with a magnifying glass, there is no mistake that sticks and balls were visible all over the place, i got rid of it and transplanted the second cheese plant i had going, we should know very soon if it's a male or not, this is the game we play with non feminized bag seeds =)

here it is pulled out of the ground and about to go into the trash bag, this is the first plant i have ever intentionally killed, sad to do it, later dude

here's the new one going in, you can see the roots growing out of the soil clump that was at the bottom of the plastic beer cup it was living in...this plant is the same age as the male, it didn't get nearly as large though i'm guessing because it was in a beer cup which is so small, hope this one's a girl!

lastly here is a group shot, in the beer cup to the left in the back is a strawberry cough from bag seed, an actual strawberry plant next to that, in front to the left is the new cheese i transplanted, in the middle is jack the ripper, the right front is kandy kush x skunk, and the back right is thai


Active Member
how do you track your plants? - april 21 2010

while perusing the various growers forums, i saw a thread about plant tracking software, there were 2 programs mentioned that could be used to help someone keep track of their plants and at what stage they are in

i thought it was a super cool idea, so i decided to put together a little spreadsheet that would help me with this, i'm calling it plantrackit, this little tool has been helping me a lot and since it's just in excel it is super quick and easy to customize, here is a screenshot

the idea is that the user types into the green portion, the calculations take care of themselves everywhere else

this is 0.2, the change was the estimated finish time column (est finish (weeks)), the idea here is that your plants can still be vegging, you can plug in an estimated finish time, then type in a start date for flowering, your stop date is now calculated based on the estimated finish time, i don't think this is done very cleanly so i'll probably redo it for 0.2.1 or something, i feel like it should give an estimated stop date as well as a separate real stop date, hmmm...maybe a progress bar too, can excel do that? hmmm i'm sure there's a way, so flowering will have a progress bar from 0 - 100% depending on how close we are to the estimated finish time

a column for preflowering might be nice also, currently i am just appending an - F or an - M if it's male or female (actually, if it's male, i yank it and delete that plant from the spreadsheet), a preflower column along with another date column for the preflowering

now that i think about it and am rambling, it might be a good idea to add a completely separate schedule somehow for feedings as well, would nested spreadsheets for each plant be the best way? if we're going to delve that deep then i feel excel may no longer be the best option, might be best to just go ahead and write a real program for it, which i would really prefer not to get into

either way, i use this, it helps, i'll keep on updating it as needed, this is a nice way to help keep organized

Never grown before

Active Member
how do you track your plants? - april 21 2010

while perusing the various growers forums, i saw a thread about plant tracking software, there were 2 programs mentioned that could be used to help someone keep track of their plants and at what stage they are in

i thought it was a super cool idea, so i decided to put together a little spreadsheet that would help me with this, i'm calling it plantrackit, this little tool has been helping me a lot and since it's just in excel it is super quick and easy to customize, here is a screenshot

the idea is that the user types into the green portion, the calculations take care of themselves everywhere else

this is 0.2, the change was the estimated finish time column (est finish (weeks)), the idea here is that your plants can still be vegging, you can plug in an estimated finish time, then type in a start date for flowering, your stop date is now calculated based on the estimated finish time, i don't think this is done very cleanly so i'll probably redo it for 0.2.1 or something, i feel like it should give an estimated stop date as well as a separate real stop date, hmmm...maybe a progress bar too, can excel do that? hmmm i'm sure there's a way, so flowering will have a progress bar from 0 - 100% depending on how close we are to the estimated finish time

a column for preflowering might be nice also, currently i am just appending an - F or an - M if it's male or female (actually, if it's male, i yank it and delete that plant from the spreadsheet), a preflower column along with another date column for the preflowering

now that i think about it and am rambling, it might be a good idea to add a completely separate schedule somehow for feedings as well, would nested spreadsheets for each plant be the best way? if we're going to delve that deep then i feel excel may no longer be the best option, might be best to just go ahead and write a real program for it, which i would really prefer not to get into

either way, i use this, it helps, i'll keep on updating it as needed, this is a nice way to help keep organized
Im loving your idea is it easy to add in yield per plant? also how bout a copy lol



Active Member
Im loving your idea is it easy to add in yield per plant? also how bout a copy lol

well anything can be added, as far as yield per plant, what were your thoughts on tracking it?

the data has to come from somewhere, if it's an estimated yield then there would need to be a way to calculate that, as long as it can be calculated somehow then it can be added to the spreadsheet

there are some kinks i need to work out for it to be more user friendly, i'll upload it somewhere after that, we're only at v.0.2 right now, still a lot to do, when it's around v.0.8-0.9ish i'll upload it and make it available


Active Member
trim some for clones! - april 22 2010

we made cuts on the thai, kandy kush x skunk, and jack the ripper in order to get clones!

you can see that they are all a bit more bare now, we'll switch to flowering mode very very soon here


Active Member
baby grow cab update - april 24 2010

i was gone for a few days, i thought they'd be okay with the water i gave them right before i left, well i was wrong, we lost a few of the babies, this is what's left

also here is a group shot again, we are going to switch to flowering tonight, i just don't want the thai getting too big like the xj13 did last time, want to give it plenty of room height wise


Active Member
wos thai, dna kandy kush x skunk, dna jack the ripper, bagseed cheese, bagseed strawberry cough, 3 days 12/12, plus some pics of the babies - april 26 2010

not much to say, here are some shots 3 days in to flowering, along with some shots of the baby cabinet and some babies, one of which was super close to death but now coming back so i just had to keep it, along with a random bagseed as the last pic
