smoking a male experiment


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow riu members, i have found that my outdoor plant is a male/ hermie,it has a few pistols/ what look to be the start of very small buds, but lots of balls, so i pinched off the top that was full of balls. it had a few bud sites sortof.

so tonight i have decided to see if theres anyway to get high off of a male plant/maybe hermie. i will update every few minuits.

Nothing is dried, it was all picked a few minuits ago. i know nothing will probably happen, but i thought i would try just for fun.

I do not want any bad replies, i know nothing will probly happen. I will be smoking out of a pipe then a bong filled with ice.

first off is just some balls + the little tiny budsite out of the pipe i will update after a few minuits.
well after heating it with a lighter.

Update, after 2 small bowls of balls and a small budsite i am feeling a small buzz and maybe a little bit stoned.
The smoke is horrible tasteing and very harsh... now i move to the bong filled with ice.
So heres the certainly can pick up a small buzz from a male plant because they do produce small amounts of THC......however whether or not its worth the horrible taste and harsh smoke for a tiny little buzz that will last you about 2 minutes.....well thats a different story.....
id like to know if smoking pollen sacks will catch you a buzz, if your plant has them id like to know how it goes
Seems you have skipped a step in the scientific method we learned in elementary school, you fotgot to state your hypothesis lol. Mine is that smoking a male plant < smoking oregano (threw in some math too for ya).
well im starting to feel stoned, i also havnt smoked in a little white ( a month) so that could be a contributing factor, getting deccent hoots out of teh ice bong, here goes anyother bowl.
okay, its two small bowls and 2 normel sized bowls of bad tastiing balls and a bit of preflower.
Im baked, im not likt couchlocked baked, im kind of a everything is hilarious bake. Thats alot more then i would usualy smoke of weed, and it deffantly doesnt taste good, also it wasnt even dry, picked less then a hour ago, i just heated the bowl with a lighter inhaling a bit every once and a while to pull heat through, then whenn it started smoking i just smoked it, you get a little smoke for a big hit, but in the overall, im satisfied. if i had weed next to me i wouldnt have done it. Im deff satisfied, im ripped so. its all good.
did you kill the whole plant? i really want to know the effect of smoking fully developed pollen sacks
no i just pinched off the top area where all the sacks were, i have another smaller plant next to it so i didnt want it to pollenate.
if you woldnt mind sacraficing your self for the experment, and isolating your male/hremie, id really like to know the good/bad effects of smoking pollen sacks. not that i have any males, id just like to know how strong/weak it could be
well this is good to know! I'm no bud snob so when money's tight this sounds like a good alternative :)
yeah i think it is, if you have a male/hermie on hand, which no one really wants. my next experiment will be smoking the leaves after they dry. And my high is kind of settling down now, im still baked though. i have no idea when i first posted, i was pretty baked for a little bit then.

well ive done the leaves before and yes i was high ass hell but it was shade leaves covered in trichs.
i smoked about 20 leaves with a buddy and he was fuckin ripped lmao:weed: < litteraly rofl