Smoking Bananas


New Member
The best home made high was eating morning glory seeds, about 30 of them on an empty stomach. They are almost like mushrooms or peote buttons.
i ground up about 30 morning glory seeds and mixed them in a glass of chocolate milk. i was nauseous for about an hour before a really crazy trip, just like acid, came on. it lasted about 2 to 3 hours and i had some great thoughts. no visuals, but i didn't even get much visuals (beyond tracers and breathing) off 6 hits of liquid first time, too.

for a poor mans trip, it's not bad. get seeds at any hardwear store. smoke alot of pot for the nausea.


Elite Rolling Society
the morning glory seeds DO MAKE you sick at your stomach. (MUSHROOMS AND PEYOTE BUTONS DO TOO) That is why I said "on an empty stomach".
you can't throw up if there is nothing there!


Well-Known Member
According to the Anarchist Cookbook smoking Toadskins not frog skins makes you trip, and that smoking peanut paper not shells gets you high.
you can make acid from morning glory seeds but you get 1 hit from like 3 ounces of seeds, and its scientific


Well-Known Member
nutmeg will KILL you. to much and the liver shuts down. but you will be forewarned by the convulsive vomiting.


Well-Known Member
yeah morning glory seeds are awesome!

I've had them in orange juice, makes you a REAL cheap drunk and then you wake up the next morning with no hangover!


Well-Known Member
how many seeds... i have morning glories all over my back yard and I hate them because they choke all the plants... this year i dont have any cuz I've benn pulling all of them bbut I still have seeds... and my neighbor still has plants.


Well-Known Member
my dads allways playin that song and telling me about smoking bannanas... I dont get how you get smoking bananas from that song...


New Member
I have actually smoked banana skin once. About 15 years ago. I only had a few drags, don't know if it did anything though as even back then I had access to lots of weed.

try it, but i bet it's only for kids that haven't experienced smoking weed. If you have then I doubt smoking banana skin will affect you. Even in hospital and you need pain relief, if they know you smoke weed they'll bump up the morphine they give you.