Smoking before the dentist.


Well-Known Member
Ok I had my first filling today that required a local anaesthetic, aka them sticking a needle into my gum. I was shit scared to be honest, it was so unnatural, so terrible. The needle felt wierd, hurt a little but then the drilling started. The drilling hurt a little but not much obviously due to the local. Now I was so scared when that fucking drill was spinning around in my mouth chipping away at my tooth. I am wondering would smoking pot before next time help me feel more relaxed? I doubt it would take the pain away but it would probably chill me out a bit. What if I became paranoid, would this turn into me feeling worse pain? Cheers for the input! :bigjoint:


Active Member
wouldent do that bro, proabley make it worse you get a little jumpy might move and wam you got a fucked up tooth


Well-Known Member
Don't smoke before the dentist, I made this mistake once and it was a horrible experience. They have that saliva sucker in your mouth and you already have cotton mouth and it just feels weird being stoned when he is in there drilling. Wait till after the visit to toke up.


Active Member
I'd avoid smoking before just incase it doesn't mix with the anaesthetic or something (odds are pretty slim, but I wouldn't wanna risk it)

Smoking afterwards is always a good idea though! :P