Smoking Bud + Wanking At The Same Time!!


Active Member
Stelthy, you really rock :D I've read a few posts and you always seem to have no bounds and no shame. That is a pretty strong set of characteristics.

I've been single for a few years, I have no particular desire to have a woman ruling my life, cheers. Wank? don't mind if I do, thanks. Reefer? Well, it would be rude not to.

I used to get high and shag all night back in my youth, its definately something that gives banging the missus a bit of spark:p

Now, if you REALLY want to get offended, a mate was trying to explain to me the other evening how he had a wank that was so great he shit himself. Wrong.


Well-Known Member
lol I've never wanked to the point of shitting myself lol, but that's fuckin funny....and .. disgusting lol, well whatever floats ur boat :) - STELTHY


Well-Known Member
Lol :) I was looking through the history of my thread posts and had almost forgotten about this one I wonder who hold the record for most smoked joints and most choked chicken in one day lol :) - STELTHY :leaf: