smoking for free?


Well-Known Member
I am not new to growing but i noticed people on here saying they grow an smoke for free what about electricity water nutes soil initial setup give me some advise so i dont have to sell to afford soil and electricity!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well when they say free they dont always mean completely free. There is always fees and the only way it is free is if you do in fact sell some to cover your costs. Growing is not a job and neither is selling.


Active Member
many people feel better growing their own for a variety of reasons: not having to support drug dealers, not having to deal with the sketch factor of dealing with other people, knowledge as to what is put into it (organic if you want it or what have you), being able to control their own medication (i don't have to get a refill of my meds from a doctor, i grow my own), being in control of one small part of their world... for whatever reason you chose it comes down to you: you have to pay for the equipment, nutes, soil, electricity, tools ect but once that has been accomplished, what you produce is free... free for you to do whatever you wish: you could share with people in need, sell to repay your investment or spin it all into hash if you wish... it is an act of independence and free will... depending on where you live it may be a declaration of your outlaw status or needs as a patient... once your grow has been paid for (in whatever method you chose to repay yourself) then your carefully grown medicine is free! free for you to change your life/ circumstances, free to share with others in need... just not free in terms of cost... however if you've been paying 500 a zip, your avg cost 36 a zip (estimated) may feel like it was free... it's all in how you look at it...


Active Member
plenty of dirt outside and the sun is better than any light you can buy. thats about as free as you can get


Well-Known Member
i have a job but my electric bill is nuts an im 1500 in the hole im hoping my crop is not less than what i could just buy for that


Well-Known Member
also if i bud with a 600 watter can i just veg with some florescence cause two 600 watters are killin me any budget tips?


Well-Known Member
I'm curious about your setup, please describe it for me. This may sound dumb but you should use replace any old outdated incandesent lights your using in your house, lol, I did and it saved me enough that my 400w hps didnt add anything to my bill compared to what it was before when i was using halogen to light my house. a single bulb can use 100w or more so if you replace those old bulbs with 13w cfls it really helps.


Well-Known Member
I see you guys always say "sell" the correct term to keep your arses out of jail is cost recovery if you are in a legal state. Never mention the word "sell" that is what will get you in too trouble just some advice. Grow On Dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Well its not free ..but its a hell of a lot cheaper than buying it ..and you know what your getting...


Well-Known Member
If you don't have many plants you could just move them back and forth between outdoors/indoors. Outdoors for 12-14 hours of natural sunlight and the rest indoors. Just put your plants on a man-made structure or concrete to minimize chance of pests.


Well-Known Member
What cycle do u have them on? an 18/6 light cycle can save you some money and those 6 hours off should be the hottest part of the day. that will help you control temps some too.

sorry to burst your bubble but it usually takes a few cycles for you to fully get your full investment back in bud and start coming out ahead on what you put in total.


Active Member
when i want free weed i just hit up my friend chris. hes over in ten minutes with a fat bag of the good stuff. then another time ill hook him up, and everybody gets free weed. its the circle of high.