Smoking Near Growing Plants


Active Member
Well of course cigarette smoke is gonna be bad for your plants... With all the chemicals in cigarette smoke its not gonna be nice to your plants. Probably the most harmful to your plants will be the cyanide in the smoke, that could choke up your plants pretty badly. Your plants thrive on fresh air and if theyre constantly being smoked out by cigarette smoke it could have some bad effects. Especially when your in the flowering stage i would be careful with that.


Well-Known Member
Rolling tobacco contains less toxic crap that pre-rolled fags for sure.

I wouldnt smoke out your growroom on a regular basis, but assuming you have adequate ventilation, the odd ciggy or joint in there isnt going to poison them.


Well-Known Member
in 1989 a group of growers 2 of whom were ex german genetic scientists got together and tested different pollutants on cannabis plants and found that tobacco smoke was particularly toxic to the hormones within the plant walls and had often turned plants into triffids or maybe not,but im sure they dont like it i know i dont.