Ehh to me she's complaining about a personal problem. I mean I don't have a problem with her, she's pretty cool, but it would be awesome if she could stick to one thread and ask as many questions heart heart wants to ask. Pike if I were to make a thread I would make it for the people of RIU, you know what I mean? Like instead of saying man I smoke people out and they don't share their stash with me; I would say hey fellow tokers, who else has that douchebag friend who smokes your weed and doesn't return the favor? See the difference?Actually, not this time. The topic of smoking people out and etiquette is a pretty touchy issue that other people deal with too. I'm sure everyone has that 'friend' who smokes all their weed and it's hard to tell them to fuck off.
Yup same here, I don't have to deal with that problem though because I typically hang out with people that are cool enough to not completely rip me off.Well one of the first things that comes to mind is the difference I've found between east coast and west coast smokers.
I've found on the east coast...its more of the "light a blunt and pass it around" out in cali I find it's more of a "everyone gets their own bong" type deal.
As for smoking another person out. I love too, and never want anything in return.
I smoke so much by myself that I find it a pleasure to smoke with someone else. But I have more then the average Urca whose buying her pot, so...
lol ya same here...and I hang with a lot of growers It's almost impossible to find someone just using me for weed, cause most of the time they have more then I do.Yup same here, I don't have to deal with that problem though because I typically hang out with people that are cool enough to not completely rip me off.
I'm on the east coast! I have a nice bong and love to smoke blunts every motherfuckin day. Here it's three hits then pass on the blunts. people are always like "WHAT? THREE?" ...yes.....three hits from a 6 inch long perfectly rolled dutchmaster should do just fine, it has all these years.Well one of the first things that comes to mind is the difference I've found between east coast and west coast smokers.
I've found on the east coast...its more of the "light a blunt and pass it around" out in cali I find it's more of a "everyone gets their own bong" type deal.
As for smoking another person out. I love too, and never want anything in return.
I smoke so much by myself that I find it a pleasure to smoke with someone else. But I have more then the average Urca whose buying her pot, so...
YOURE DOING IT WRONG! if they smoke yours, its because they don't FEEL like they are "real" pot smokers, so their hits aren't as "real" as yours.....sometimes they smoke yours because they dont have any other hook ups.
just recommend a dealer to them
man so trueErica I fucking hate that shit.
I brought a blunt of some sweet tooth rolled up in a nice fat peach game to my girlfriends friends house. Its just me, my girl, and her friend...
Start smoking it,I start it, pass it to my girl, she puffs, someone walks in the front door... my girl gives it to her friend, then her friend gives it to her friend. I'm like "when the fuck did this turn into 'lets smoke robs blunt' day?" I fucking hate when people just keep passing it to someone else in the room. I like to share but parties are no place for pot. so eventually 50 people are coming in and everyone smelling the sweet smells and begging me for pot because they are drunk but 'dont normally smoke'... fuck no. And then when we slipped down to the basement for another toke, this time a bubbler, guess who shows up? me+my girlfriend+her friend+the friend that toked without asking before+three other people. I just stood there holding the bubbler and lighter until they all shut the fuck up, and said "so who's throwing down?" and everyone but my girl and her friend left.
You just gotta be straight foward. Its not like they think you get it for free. nothing is ruder than smoking someone elses hard earned weed without asking or throwing down.
Sometimes I'll be so fucking bored, I'll offer a cut with a good friend and don't expect them to chip in. But thats only if I'm dying of boredom and need to get away from my girl.
Word thats what I'm sayin. If you didn't bring weed, bring a bottle, bring a pizza, bring some fuckin munchie food. How dare you come here empty handed and expect me to smoke you up? I'm not your parents, I dont have to take care of you! I dont associate with people like that anymore, aside from the quiet nights, I don't miss them at so true
i hate wasting weed on people that don't really smoke
What i do is always smoke with my closest friends. And what goes around comes around. Im usually the one without weed. They know it. But they have much better hook ups so im in charge of munchies. Also whenever someones' out of money we all (3 of us) chip in for everybody. We try later to even out whatever each payed, but later we would pay for something so in the end we just know we will get payed back either in weed or food xD
Plus once i helped my cousin start his grow (check it out) and i got part of the loot
I had the best weed and it was my turn to smoke them "out".
I guess it all works out because we are really close.