Smoking pot leads onto more serious drugs


Well-Known Member
Drinking water causes everything. You know how i know this? Ask anyone who partakes in bad behavior. Murderers, Addicts, Pathological Liars, Passive-Agressive, Mentally disturbed, looters, terrorists and even Handicapped people, Every bad person you know, ever will know and don't know all have something in common. THEY ALL DRANK WATER AT ONE TIME OR ANOTHER!! Surely this MUST be the cause of all bad things in life....drinking water.

Water causes addiction, I just proved it. Just ask any addict if they have ever drank water in their lives, they will all tell you they have. Proof my theory is 100% correct.



Well-Known Member
sugar is the true gateway drug. kids that have sugary diets as kids tend to be the addicts as adults.

but in all seriousness, if cannabis users are more likely (statistically) to use harder drugs, it is mainly because of prohibition. if you keep cannabis on the black market, the same people who have the harder drugs are the same ones who will have the cannabis often.

that, and if you are the type of person who is enough of a risk taker to use an illegal drug, chances are you are also more likely to be the person that will risk taking a harder drug too.

so, there is nothing in cannabis that physically causes someone to want a harder drug. it is a phenomenon of correlation due to personality and availability due to prohibition that is responsible for what so many call 'the gateway effect'. amsterdam is pretty good evidence of this.


Well-Known Member
sugar is the true gateway drug. kids that have sugary diets as kids tend to be the addicts as adults.

but in all seriousness, if cannabis users are more likely (statistically) to use harder drugs, it is mainly because of prohibition. if you keep cannabis on the black market, the same people who have the harder drugs are the same ones who will have the cannabis often.

that, and if you are the type of person who is enough of a risk taker to use an illegal drug, chances are you are also more likely to be the person that will risk taking a harder drug too.

so, there is nothing in cannabis that physically causes someone to want a harder drug. it is a phenomenon of correlation due to personality and availability due to prohibition that is responsible for what so many call 'the gateway effect'. amsterdam is pretty good evidence of this.
spott on!! . i think thats the root of all evil, prohibition :), if the feds would legalize Mj most kids would quit or never start cuz its just not cool, its not a risk, this happens every where, ever since your brother dared you to drink your moms vodka at 12 , its all about the taboo. cuz even my mom said when i was a kid if she wanted me to do something she would tell me not to do it


New Member
It definitely doesnt, I hate drugs but I love marijuana like many others, explain that? Take a survery of people that smoke and dont like any other drug, Im sure there is a lot of us, that would debunk this whole goofy theory by itself. I just met another one not less than 10 minutes ago.


Active Member
Tried most of them back in the day as a stoopid 20 something. At 30ish I started only partaking of nature made .


New Member
Whiskey and Ice can cause liver problems
Ice and Vodka straight can cause Kidney problems
Soda pop and ice can rot teeth

Ice is dangerous
Dont use it


Well-Known Member
Drinking water causes everything. You know how i know this? Ask anyone who partakes in bad behavior. Murderers, Addicts, Pathological Liars, Passive-Agressive, Mentally disturbed, looters, terrorists and even Handicapped people, Every bad person you know, ever will know and don't know all have something in common. THEY ALL DRANK WATER AT ONE TIME OR ANOTHER!! Surely this MUST be the cause of all bad things in life....drinking water.

Water causes addiction, I just proved it. Just ask any addict if they have ever drank water in their lives, they will all tell you they have. Proof my theory is 100% correct.

this is why i only drink liqour! no addiction for me!