SMOKING RULES for the established(be aware)


Active Member
Ok so the other day me and some friends were sittin around griping about how everyone has different smokin rules and how it can mess things up, so we made a list, its on the door in my smoke room, his and about 10 other friends, just wanted to share them with everyone, also these rules apply general and then to people who dont have bud

#1 We understand how it is, but dont be that guy who never has bud (if you show up at my place 3 times without bud, no joinin in)
#2 If you pack it or roll it, you get 1st hit,
#3 If its glass or pipe or vape, 1 hit, paper 2 hits (just to clarify what a hit is, its as many inhales as you want but only one exhale, once you exhale your hit has ended
#4 To decide who gets 2nd hit simply say marco, who ever responds with polo the fastest gets second hit, but only playable for the person to your left and right, if no one responds simply say it again until someone wins, this keeps favoritism from comin into play
#5 If you let the blunt or J go out cause you zoned out, you get skipped next rotation
#6 If your caught takin an extra hit you get a warning but next time you get skipped
#7 If its cashed say so, dont pass it and empty the ash in the ashtray
#8 no Open lipped slobbering on the end of any smoking apparatus
#9 No putting out the blunt or J, If you light it you finish it, NO quitting, you can step in and out of rotation, but we will not wait
#10 and a very important one NO TALKIN ON THE PHONE, OR TEXTING DURING or 10 minutes after a smoke session, ITS RUDE, NO one wants to hear or cares, Emergencies are understood, but dont look at me like hold this blunt its my mom dont say anything about weed or cuss or girls or cough or anything and im sitting there chokin listening to bob marley, FUCK THAT, you wait, or leave the damn room haha
NOW these are my rules and apply when its my marijuana thats being smoked, or any marijuana smoked in my house or car. I think it covers everything what yall think


Well-Known Member
my kids mama can try useing #10..

damn cell phone..

trying to enjoy a smoke session and here nothing but the clickady clicks of that damn phone..


Active Member
Right beep click click click click beep beep some people have no social awareness, its worse when they ask you to turn the music down and not say anything


Active Member
You know what, I dont think half of your rules work for ME but +rep for being smart about it...I used to just sit there and take it when my mates would behave badly, bring people around and NONE of them have weed, had a dude that didn't like me once, wouldn't talk to me but fuck he had no probs smoking my weed and my mate expected me to "deal" cuz he thought i was "chill". I said nothing. Until one day i felt like if they showed up i would literally cave their face in..then im like wtf these are my mates, and i realised if we just talked about "rules" we would still be best I sat the fucker down, explained my side of the story and told him where the door was if he didnt like it..and yea he left...but when he rang 2 weeks later he had an oz, came over and smoked US out for once, ordered pizza and was back to his old self...left us the rest of the oz at the end of the weekend...we put in pounds and got ~1/4 oz back..but that waste BEST weed ive ever smoked..not because of quality..but because it did what wed SHOULD do..brought us together not apart.

Im saying good fucking work man. This is how you keep healthy LONG TERM relationships...the kind of mates who can sit and discuss something as boring as rules, then adhere to them are the mates who come to your house at 2 am to pull your grow room apart cuz that car hs been parked for too long across the street. The guys that say rules are for pussies are the ones who wouldnt show up just in case the cops busted in.

fuckin YEA for MATURITY with weed rather than just giggling gangsta type you see so often on here.

*passes bong*


Active Member
man i hate weed nazi's. Your rules are fair but i hate it when people watch over you to make sure you're doing everything to their specifications. Rule #11, if you watch me smoke I'll punch you in the face


Active Member
Hell yeah, It makes things un arguable, If im like you dude get off the phone and there like what the fuck , NO!! i just point at the rules, you cant argue with em, it keeps people from gettin mad when you call them out on their bull shit, you just say sorry, rules are rules, its crazy how people will hang out with you even if they hate you if something benefits them. If my boys are like im with so and so can we come by, if i dont like you because of you, or you steal, im like hell no, they say cant you just chill, Why the fuck would i wanna chill with people who suck, I have to do that enough in every other aspect of life, Thats why i try to keep good people around who are cool with adapting to each other ya knwo


Active Member
this is to XRTNFX .I dont watch people smoke unless they give me a reason to, these rules are for the inexperienced, selfish, zone out smokers who if you dont watch em will burn down the whole j before they pass it. I hate being watched smokin to but i adhere to my own rules as best as possible,, I have this one friend who is one of my best buds, but he gets high and zones out to the tv and forgets we are in the middle of a smoke session if you dont watch him the blunt gets used like incense. I enjoy smokin and chillin with friends to much to waste my time watchin, but im not gonna get jewed on hits of my own weed ya know


Well-Known Member
No one watches people smoke but it's easy to notice people fucking up.

#12: Wipe you're fucking mouth you dolt! I don't want to make out with your leftover fucking saliva!


Well-Known Member
after 20 or so years, you don't need rules, just good judgment, and common courtesy. As for who gets another hit, around here we just continue the rotation till it's dust.


Well-Known Member

if you dont get it after 3 seconds of me trying to pass it to you....

your fuckin loss.....

im not gonna hold their for you forever for you to figure it out biatch...


Active Member
#14...when everyones done smokin the J dont jam it in the asktray cuz by the time its out there isnt a roach left haha!Just nicely set it in there! Pisses me off..i always like to throw that roach in the one hitter when i dont wanna pack a bowl!! Good thread!!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
your makin smoking too damn complicated. when we me & my peoples smoke we be playin da game and all types of shit while smoking and #7 what if u lit da blunt,j,ect. and gotta leave for some reason u gonna get skipped???


Active Member
YEah you get skipped, i mean if its all your weed once again its your call reead the rest, those are the rules for when A. Its my weed, B.Its my house, or C. MY car....if you dont have these rules when you try and call someone out on to many hits or whatever they cant argue and get mad wit ya, its the rules


Active Member
I agree. Its one thing to have to say to a mate hes doing the wrong thing, then he gets in your face and starts shit in front of everyone..its another to be able to say "Yo is that your signature?" "yes" "is that your weed?" "no" "then you follow the rules or gtfo".

I have a home theater..projector the works...I used to let mates crash in the theater so they could watch movies all night till they slept..all i asked was they turned the projector off before sleeping...ages later I woke up one night and went to see if anyone was still up...the projector was on, everyone was asleep...when we all got up the next day i went off...they all got shitty and left and didnt understand...

A globe for my projector costs >$500 and i have paid $750 from sony direct. 10 hours per night of it just running (assuming once per weekend over even a short time like 6 months) thats 240 hours. Or 10 days of non stop viewing 24 hours a day..all wasted while they sleep.

I dont mind supplying the house, the weed, the seats the food and the drinks...but surely i can ask for ONE thing back right?..fuck theres people who ask me EVERY time they see me to catch up, and I know THEY always supply weed and shit..sometimes i wonder if im friends with the wrong people...

long story short, i can no longer AFFORD not to have rules :P...its either rules and i can have mates over, or no rules and ill end up with nothing but an empty oz bag, a messy house and a broken projector!




Well-Known Member
getting a blow job in the circle is only ok if you pass her to the left with the joint when finished (it is only polite to share)


Active Member
Couldn't put it any better. Looking at those rules, makes me feel lucky for the good, courtesy, and smart friends I have.

If I had the type of friends where I actually had to make a list like this, I would shoot myself.

after 20 or so years, you don't need rules, just good judgment, and common courtesy. As for who gets another hit, around here we just continue the rotation till it's dust.