Smoking sativa strains


Well-Known Member
Ill try my best

you feel it in your face and eyes, it travels up to your dome and reeks some more havoc....your head feels like a mushroom and your walking on air a lil bit.....then your heart pounds like a tank is driving by...everythng has tracers and your high as a motherfucker
Man I just came a little bit, Dizzle you sound so sexy when you talk like that...


Well-Known Member
most of my friends who don't smoke much, prefer the indica's

most say heavy amounts of the sativa lead to anxiety, or paranoia


Well-Known Member
My buddy grows some sour d that reeks of's such a cerebral high that i'll get a headache if I smoke too much. There is no ceiling to the high

Total Head

Well-Known Member
if you're used to indicas sometimes the sativa high is a little weird. you're waiting for that body stone but it never comes. then all of a sudden you look up and realize you've been laughing your ass off at c-span for a half hour and you can't feel your face. i agree with the comment about everything seeming more vibrant.

aint got a scooby

Active Member
if you're used to indicas sometimes the sativa high is a little weird. you're waiting for that body stone but it never comes. then all of a sudden you look up and realize you've been laughing your ass off at c-span for a half hour and you can't feel your face. i agree with the comment about everything seeming more vibrant.
Cant wait to get my hands on some of these strains some of you have mentioned, cant say i've had a high like that in the uk

aint got a scooby

Active Member
Yep, you're right. I'd agree that indica's are really popular in the UK, with the hazes being an exception.
I would guess that most the weed here in the uk is grown here and indicas are quicker and yield more don't they??? Even though most strains are mixed a indica is
probably going to come through more as a high as its more effective if that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Its effects are more pronounced... Like Dizzle said you get used to/expect that STONED feeling and it seems more dramatic than a sativa high for some people. I think it's because our consciousness changes all the time, so it's not so out of the ordinary to be buzzing as such... Indicas affect your body whatever your midset and that out of control feeling is probably what people notice. It's funny smoking something like white widow and I won't feel 'high' at all until i get up and start talking lol

Sorry If I'm rambling today...

My main dealer is a shit grower- most of the stuff I get has come over from Amsterdam, so I get a wide selection compared the usual story of 'What have you got? Cheese. Again?!'