Smoking Savlia the "right" way



I did 20x the correct way a few nights ago. I took 1/5 of a gram and put it in the bowl, lit it with a torch, and ripped it until my lungs screamed for mercy and all I could taste was shit.

Put the bong down while I held it in and lay down with open relaxed limbs, closed eyes, and ear plugs.

What I was basically doing, was trying to deprive myself of my senses to be pulled deeper into the trip. It's SO hard to keep your eyes closed as well as not move. Because as soon as I started tripping I lost all equilibrium, and I actually felt like I was standing up and walking around inside of my trip.

It's hard to explain what depriving yourself of your senses does but in summary; the conscious rational mind retains awareness of consensus reality while under the influence of salvia. Since salvia creates a non-consensus reality, body movement causes a dichotomy of awareness which can cause the mind to attempt a reconciliation between these realities. Consensus reality often wins, causing the vision to dissipate, or at least lose its convincing nature. (If you smoke 60x or higher it doesn't matter how you do it, it's strong enough to pull you out of reality without your help)

So to do it the "right" way... Get mad stoned first off (It turns up the volume to fucking 10!). Lay down with your eyes closed, limbs open and relaxed, and have no noises. (Especially from your spotter)

All of this caused me to have, from what I thought to be, a 20 second trip that was actually 10 minutes. Those 9 minutes and 40 seconds are a big blank in my mind. I've been knocked out before and had blackouts which left me waking up fuzzy like I got up too fast, but... This was almost like a coma. I woke right up, perfectly fine, looked down at my feet and wondered why I can hear (I had ear plugs in). Undoubtedly I removed my plugs a good 2 minutes into the trip... I had no idea. It honestly felt like a 20 second trip, but when I awoke and asked my good friend how my ear plugs came out and he said "you took them out...". To which I replied "Dude... How long was I tripping for?!".

As for the trip itself... It felt like a dream (I don't know what my physical body did during my trip except for what I was told) and almost like I fell asleep. I remember going into the trip like I was going into a store. There was a big room with tables everywhere, with some guy in a black and red shirt with black pants trying to talk to me. I remember him trying to get my attention and in the trip I was like "fuck this" and left the store to find out that when I closed the door behind me... The entire door turned into a million of that guy in the black and red. Almost like a repeated image of him all over the door, laughing at me. (That's a basic summary of my trip).

All in all, that was a mind blowing experience to which I fully enjoyed.

Just thought I'd share. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
you described that very well. I can imagine that type of thing happening on salvia. you should have listened to what the dude trying to talk to you had to say.


I wasn't too in control of this trip, it reminded me a lot of a dream. Hence why I thought I fell asleep under the influence of salvia.

So as much as I may of wanted to see what this guy wanted, my trip was on a set track to where ever the fuck it wanted to go, haha.


Well-Known Member
do a google search for a mindfold. its a plastic blindfold set up so you can have your eyes completly open and see total darkness...perfect for salvia trips