

Well-Known Member
i smoke on the streets of philly mostly anywere is cool ... if u havent seen the news we have had cops getting killed like crazy so they are pretty much tied up on all that ... rather then breakin balls about a blunt or joint


Well-Known Member
Don't really trust the police to get close enough. If I'm hitting while strolling the avenue and see the blue, I make like Houdini. I'll even swallow the bone lit. I've done it. I don't smoke in public to flaunt it or to make a statement but because I want to. The police will do their job if they have to, mine is avoid them. lol


Well-Known Member
I meant the thread to pose the question public. But all the posts are cool and outside is still better than indoors. At least I think so. Keep them coming. I smoked on a 747 when I was in my twenties! No shit.


Well-Known Member
yea i dont go like here mr blue suit smell this .. but they arent even the least bit intersted in busting smokers now!!! there figuring out how to stop people from killing the cops !! 5 cops in a year killed!!!! it was never really a issue im not sure how nyc is but before 90% of philly cops if it was a lil amount would just take it from u and say get out of here

K1ng j.AK

Well-Known Member
o shit smoking on a plane is gangsta.. I have thought to do that many a time, I have carried tree across the US at least 10 different times, one time on the flight from Chicago to Anchorage I ate a bag of mushrooms.. haha what a trip, the bathroom for some strange reason had a full length mirror covering a whole wall, so I ended up talking to myself for like an hour b4 the flight attendant asked me if I was ok and I rememberered I was ON A FKN PLANE.. haha good times..


Well-Known Member
I meant the thread to pose the question public. But all the posts are cool and outside is still better than indoors. At least I think so. Keep them coming. I smoked on a 747 when I was in my twenties! No shit.
damn how did you manage that? blow the smoke in a bag and flush it down? haha i must know your secret to the mile HIGH experience!


Well-Known Member
Flying back from the left once, the plane was empty, my pops worked for the airline so they let me hang in first class. Well shit it was empty, the attendants were sleeping. I went up (they had a upper lounge then) and hit one in the head. The cockpit was below so I was all alone up there. One of my best highs. It was outright fucking dumb ass, but when your young you usually do dumb ass shit. No offense to the young guns. You gotta remember there was a time you could smoke on a plane.


Well-Known Member
damn thats some cool shit to have done. cant say im smoked anywhere near as cool as that. just smoking that high up in the sky must affect the high in some way i would think.
was it one of the best highs in your life?


Well-Known Member
At first I was a little paranoid. But then when I knew no one was coming up I really enjoyed it. I still remember the engine purr being way hypnotizing. Fuck I was in communist (fill in space here) and smoked in the restaurants. Nobody knew what it was. Foreign cigarette they thought. Again looking back, real dumb ass shit. lol


Well-Known Member
I smoke mostly indoors, however some days I need to smoke at the office in which case I smoke outside, I am one of those people who will try not to smoke around non-smokers. Sometimes I smoke at the tennis courts while I am playing, taking hits between serves. Sometimes I also smoke when walking to the store, tho only on weekdays when all the kids are in school because there is a huge public park between me and the store. I really have no problems smoking in public its no one even looks twice when they walk past. I think our society really does not care. I have seen older people (60-80) in my area smoking while walking as well as younger people (16-18) and really no matter who you are no one pays any attention.


Well-Known Member
Living in the NY metro area and spending a good amount of time outdoors, I just go ahead a lite a twisty while walking down Fifth Avenue (albeit it's not flaunted). How bout it? The rest of you indulge in public?
Ive done it a few times in the city walking down the street...but every 5 steps..u hear some asshole yelling out.."ohhh i know that smell" since i come to the city ALMOST NEVER (hate alot of ppl) when i do come...i hop on a rickshaw....and blaze while he's like a charm!!! :)


Well-Known Member
Fuck! The pedi cab! Great idea. Man that's a good one, going to do it.

Yeah, I know what you mean about the people. Hey, it's a city of over 8 million, 8 fucking million, there's going to be a lot of assholes. lol


Well-Known Member
Fuck! The pedi cab! Great idea. Man that's a good one, going to do it.

Yeah, I know what you mean about the people. Hey, it's a city of over 8 million, 8 fucking million, there's going to be a lot of assholes. lol
Tellin ya dude.cant go wrong with a
we pulled up to a Kathy Griffin show at Carolines on a rickshaw that was blasting KtU..LMFAO, in plume of smoke
Should of seen the faces on all the uppity assholes!! UGh!!


Well-Known Member
Living in the NY metro area and spending a good amount of time outdoors, I just go ahead a lite a twisty while walking down Fifth Avenue (albeit it's not flaunted). How bout it? The rest of you indulge in public?
I do the same I'll just walk down the street smoking a J.:mrgreen: