Smoothest Hits


Well-Known Member
Wussup yall, I was sitting here thinkin what is the best strategy for getting the smoothest hits out of your bong.

I hook my vape up to my single chamber bong with a diffused down stem (nothing special) sometimes i used very cold water, and sometimes i use hot water. Cold water seems to be the smoothest.

What about you?


New Member
tap water non specific temp. i heard fucking with the temp either way creates more moisture than is healthy, so i stick to the "room temp".

besides its the weed that makes the hit smooth :)


Well-Known Member
tap water non specific temp. i heard fucking with the temp either way creates more moisture than is healthy, so i stick to the "room temp".

besides its the weed that makes the hit smooth :)
True, but a sore throat and a ice bong hit, it does me alot better :weed:
