Smurfberry Automatic


I just ordered some smurfberry seeds from attitude, and was wondering if any one else has tried them? I am new to growing so any info on them would be great.:weed:


I have also ordered some auto berry seeds from
fter reading all the posts about this web site I have been a little worried that i would not receive anything. I waited a few days and never received shipping info so i sent them an e-mail and i have to say i was impressed with there quick response. They said they already shipped my order and sent me the info. So now i will just wait and see if i receive a package.

If any one as any advice on these strains i would appreciate any info that will help a newbie like me.:idea:


I just received my auto berry today. That was fast shipping ordered last turs so only six days. But i have to say the seeds are very small not sure if all auto seeds are like that or not.


Tony, I currently have a Smurfberry auto going. She's a month old and started flowering officially a couple weeks ago. As far as auto's go she's ginormous, but the flowering is as slow as I've ever seen in any plant. It's been 2 weeks since I saw the first female hair near the top and the whole plant is still in very early stages not all sites show hairs yet even. I am gonna stick it out on this one as I am very impressed with the size of this baby, heres a pic. Review on the strain itself seems middle of the road. Most saying it's ok but I've had better seeds, that sort of thing...