Well-Known Member
Hello all,
For those of you who know me or follow my work, you would kniow that I constantly harp on the importance of a diverse Soil Food Web with a healthy microbiological support network with fungal hyphae in order to create a symbiotic relationship with the plant and soil.
When you do this right, your rootballs should be strong, sturdy and abundant with roots growing everywhere, even outside of the container at times(air/fabric pots).
This morning I had to cull another Medicine, Man male out of the garden. However, I took some pictures of the rootball so you can see what I am talking about.

The first picture shows the overall abundance of roots throughout the entire mass of the rootball. Growing from the bottom, the sides and the top. This rootball was culled yesterday morning, and I took pictures of it 24 hrs later this morning. Some roots have died off, but these are overall good pictures to see. The second picture is a closer picture after I shook some dirt off.
The next pictures below were taken after I shook the rootball very hard to get the dirt out so I could better show you the network of roots and hyphae. Even after shaking, the network was so strong almost the entire rootball stayed intact.

This last picture below is after severely shaking the rootball to recycle the dirt. Notice how half of it kind of ripped off, but for the most part, over 70% of the mass is still intact. This tells me the Soil Food Web/microbiological population is strong, diverse and actively aiding my plants. For the rest of my grow, things should be a breeze.

For the love of roots!
For those of you who know me or follow my work, you would kniow that I constantly harp on the importance of a diverse Soil Food Web with a healthy microbiological support network with fungal hyphae in order to create a symbiotic relationship with the plant and soil.
When you do this right, your rootballs should be strong, sturdy and abundant with roots growing everywhere, even outside of the container at times(air/fabric pots).
This morning I had to cull another Medicine, Man male out of the garden. However, I took some pictures of the rootball so you can see what I am talking about.

The first picture shows the overall abundance of roots throughout the entire mass of the rootball. Growing from the bottom, the sides and the top. This rootball was culled yesterday morning, and I took pictures of it 24 hrs later this morning. Some roots have died off, but these are overall good pictures to see. The second picture is a closer picture after I shook some dirt off.
The next pictures below were taken after I shook the rootball very hard to get the dirt out so I could better show you the network of roots and hyphae. Even after shaking, the network was so strong almost the entire rootball stayed intact.

This last picture below is after severely shaking the rootball to recycle the dirt. Notice how half of it kind of ripped off, but for the most part, over 70% of the mass is still intact. This tells me the Soil Food Web/microbiological population is strong, diverse and actively aiding my plants. For the rest of my grow, things should be a breeze.

For the love of roots!