Snapped germinated seedling will it still grow?


Well-Known Member
You could use whatever medium you have. I had a blueberry seedling that had a fucking fungus gnat larva living inside of it. I cut above it dipped it and threw it back in the coco. She took root again and became a mother.


Well-Known Member
Keep your medium damp. Not saturated or too wet. Mist or spray with a sprayer set to the stream setting. A few squirts around the perimeter of the stem daily should suffice. Put under a humidity dome if wanted. It will help prevent evaporation. Keep under 24 hours of light. Remove dome once to twice a day. A misting of the dome helps. Use no nutes. Although rooting gel dissolved in water is good to use to moisten your medium. This stuff is highly recommended. I am a huge mbferts advocate!!


New Member
Don't go with, I ordered 5 products from them and only 4 came in. I emailed them about there mistake of not sending me what I paid for and they spat in my face. There an untrustworthy nutrients dealer. The Stretch Stopper I ordered and paid for never came in the mail, a value of $30. They refused to correct there mistake and called me liar. I'll stick with bulk of it means I don't have to deal with there I professionalism and it was all over a $30 Stretch Stopper, what business does that. It would have been so easy for them to own there mistake. They stole my money.


Hi, if they're auto's I would just start over again. How many days old are they? The amount of early growth you would lose may not be worth the time invested over the next 3-4 months.


Well-Known Member
Auto? Start over, auto's don't take to root stress, even if it did revive it would be in flower stage, youd spend 3 months on a plant for 3 grams....