snapped main stem 80% thru


Active Member
So... I thought I would attempt some supercrop action on my little ladies. Gave her the ole pinch'n'twist then bent her over and snap. Her tops hanging by about 20% of the outer layer of flesh. I used a bobby pin and a piece of matchbook paper to make a splint. Its been about a day or so and the top is a slight bit droopy but still looking ok. Think she will make it?1398629254340.jpg 1398629320507.jpg the top is still growing as it normally would but ive also seen clones that grow with no roots so...idk


Well-Known Member
I don't know you will have to wait and see, in the mean time reduce watering. Lucky you had that bobby pin in your hair sweetie.


Well-Known Member
as long as its attached even by a thread, I've never seen it not come through..

next time, learn how to supercrop
never pinch or twist.. wiggle back and forth slowly till it becomes floppy and move up the stem. this basically simulates what would happen in nature and thickens the whole plant vs a knot in the stem that turns woody
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It will live for sure! The top may die then 2 or more shoots will spring up for you.. Don't twist next time bro.. Just pinch and go back a n forth with it a few times before giving it the power bend


Well-Known Member
Ya as long as it has enough still attached to get water up the stem it should be fine.

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Active Member
as long as its attached even by a thread, I've never seen it not come through..

next time, learn how to supercrop
never pinch or twist.. wiggle back and forth till it becomes floppy and move up the stem. this basically simulates what would happen in nature and thickens the whole plant vs a knot in the stem that turns woody
Yeah. Ive been watching tutorials on supercropping. This was my first attempt. Thanks for the advice!


Active Member
I don't know you will have to wait and see, in the mean time reduce watering. Lucky you had that bobby pin in your hair sweetie.
I only water every 3 or 4 days. I started misting and shut my fan off for now because the leaves were cupping up a bit. Thats usualy a sign that the leaves are transpiring to quickly right? So I should foliar spray water to compensate? Oh and the bobby pin is my girls. Sweetie!:cuss: