snapped the root structure!


Well-Known Member
this is probably a lost cause, but i figured i'd run it by you all. my baby is just under 13cm tall and i dropped the pot from a couple of feet. the stem/root snapped off about a quarter inch below where the root hairs start. the dicot leaves are drooping and theres only four other leaves up top which started drooping like mad. i stuck a pen tip in the soil and inserted the 1/4" of root that is left into the soil and dampened it with an ounce or two of water.

is there a chance this plant will survive? is there anything else i can do to help it? i cant find my rooting compound, and dont have any money right now to buy more, or i'd be at walmart getting some.

sorry, no pics, my camera is at my pop's place.

btw, plant is in miracle grow(ugh) with a quarter dose of slow release organic fert. i have it under a 15w CFL right now. i dont want to dry it out anymore than it is.


New Member
It should regrow those roots. It may get wilty for a while, try watering it from the bottom of the pot to encourage downward root growth.

I've heard you can use aspirin as a rooting hormone but I've never tried it myself.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
So sorry...I dont think it has a chance...though its worth of try, put it in a plastic bag and spray often. If she has a shot, this will help her take some food in. GL and keep us posted!


Well-Known Member
yeah, so i have a head start!

thanks for the help. this was going to be a sacrificial grow anyway. i was going to put it outdoors early to see how long it kept vegging this time of year in florida... just for shits and giggles really.


New Member
Don't put it outside to veg this time of year. There are less than 12 hours of daylight right now, it'll confuse the plant and send it into flower.


Well-Known Member
this i know. i cant have a full size plant where i am living right now, so i was just dickin around. i was just gunna put it out there when it got to about 10-12" and just see how much weight i could get off of it in 6 weeks of flowering.

like i said, for shits and giggles.


Well-Known Member
the canopy is deffinitely perking back up. i'm still not super confident in the survival of this plant though


Well-Known Member
there is noticable new growth in the canopy. the new pair of fan leaves are actually seperated from the first two, and they are about 1/4 inch above them now. this must be a good sign.


Well-Known Member
its probably a bad idea....

to surgically pick away at the dirt around where the roots should be to see if theres root growth. whats your take?


Well-Known Member
ahh! the cops came round cuz the lady across the hall was beating her daughter in the backyard and i threw my plant on its side inside of my dvd player, and screwed the lid on. hopefully it will be ok.