snow white turning purple


just wanted to know if snow white is suppose to be able to turn purple because its turning purple its all frosty and purple might post pics later cant right now but would like to hear from any one whose ever grown it before,btw its fem seeds from nirvana soil fox farm earth juice nutes 150 watt hps from seed temps have ranged from 68 at night to 95 during the day i know thats high but she looks healthy as can be best looking plant ive seen for my self so thanks in advance.

kevin murphy

New Member
it will have sumat do with the flucuation of temps mate u meant to keep temps at day and night within 10c and under the closer temps at night to day the better..sum people make it colder to add clour to buds...


Well-Known Member
95F will stunt your growth, but KM is right on the money with temp fluctuations that large causing the purple...get some ventilation in there to get that heat out during the day to maintain temps lower than 85F


i actually like it ,its the buds that are purple looks wonderful just wanted to know if it was common for snow white to turn purp thanx for the reply tho


Active Member
i actually like it ,its the buds that are purple looks wonderful just wanted to know if it was common for snow white to turn purp thanx for the reply tho
yeah I don't know about the strain itself being susceptible to color change or not....but I know on my last grow I struggled with high temps during the day, sometimes up to 90 but was right around 68 everynight. I got some purple spots on a few of my nugs as well. It was because of the large gap between day and night will make a lot of strains change colors.

IT won't improve your nugs in any way, except maybe improve bag appeal...but if it were me I would try and mitigate your temperature changes, as the purple is probably a sign of either too much fluctuation in temps or too low of temps at night


just bought a higher cfm inline should be here today,see if that gon post a pic today to cuz i dont think i ever seen a plant so frosty at 4 weeks today i touched the top for the first time and my fingers got sticky as shit i think i love snow white more than the dwarfs lol .thanks f or the replys fellas keep it growing.


IMAG0180.jpgIMAG0181.jpgIMAG0182.jpgIMAG0179.jpgthis is my snow white thats turning(actually since it started to bud )purple. the pre flowers looked brown but under a cool light i noticed it was purple


Well-Known Member
I agree with kevin and massah. Lots of strains tend to show a purplish hue when put into cooler temps. Im currently growing mataro blue and its accually changing to a bluish hue now that I have been lowering the temps. Your plants look kinda BEASTLY man, nice job. Fuck I bet thats going to smoke nice. I dont know if its just me, But I find plants that have lower temps during the flowering stage accually are tastier to smoke.