Snozzberry Alphakronik


Active Member
Well I bought a few Alphakronik strains a while back, Snozzberry, Jackpot Royale, and Eisabear. I finally got around to running one and I chose Snozzberry. I searched and searched but could not find a grow anywhere from start to finish which I thought was strange since it is always sold out. Well I had 7 out of 10 seeds germ. All of those grow into nice little shrubs for about a month, it is very slow vegging like the Urkle. I placed all in flower and one by one they all hermied. Every single one had many of both sexes. I also have Cali Connection's Chem 91 started on the same day and not a single multi sexed plant in those, 2 males, 2 females. Males were pulled of course. But there was def no stress factor. As that Chem 91 can be very finicky but it is doing great. Same with a Sour Diesel in there as well. No light leaks, or any of that crap. Just a bunch of crappy herm'd plants. Now I am worried if I should even bother with the other two strains I have from them or just throw them in the garbage. Anyone else run any of their gear with good or bad results? This was a first for me having an entire pack hermie in a good while of growing.