So as if you we are not taxed enough...

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
Obummer has signed off on installing two naval Bases. One in the Philippines and the other in South Korea. Forget the Trillions they are going to spend on the military war machine. Think about how they threaten to take away our Social security and or Medicare, all while extending the retirement age. Here is the real kicker... The USA military machine can be anywhere in the world in one day. Actually sooner but that is classified info... So keep it quiet. TRUST ME!

What a disappointment Obummer was, it used to be a Democrat was for the people. Now it seems they are folded in with the rest of them up there.
Moral of the post- RON PAUL!

Stop buying machine guns for our (fake) enemies and pull our troops back to our side of the line and strengthen America, by curbing wasteful spending. Not off the taxpayers back. Why should we spend trillions on a Cold war that does not exist as of yet?
They used a story of a guy in a cave taking over our FAA computers, used 4 Saudi's not Afghans to jack jets they have never flown. Precisely strike their targets on the first try, while experienced pilots need help from the ground to control 400 ton jets around. All while flying into restricted air space. Like the Pentagon and it's (what we are supposed to believe are the best cameras on the pentagon) holy footage!
Now that war is dwindling it is time to start another war. This time a Cold war, as a hot war is too depressing. Especially since most of the injuries are friendly fire or accidents.

Vote for the man not the party... It's OK to change your mind on a candidate, after getting new information. However, the sure sign of an idiot is one who knows they are headed down the wrong path and pride keeps them going. Like Obummer and continuing the War and then this new venture into Asia.
Here is a link to an article written by a real source.... Check it

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
A. The new "naval base" is actually a seaport.
B. The Philippine government is building it. Not us.
C. The Philippine government is rebuilding the seaport and adjoining runway strictly to support commercial business and tourism to the island.
D. People are speculating that it COULD become a mini-naval base for the U.S.. There are no facts to back this up.
E. The Defense Secretary of the Philippines stated that there are no plans to make this a military base or will be used for military purposes.

Keep the spin going. Nothing like a few lies to show how desperate the right is to discredit O'Bama.

Oh and if you're referring to the new naval base on Jeju Island in South Korea then once again you are dead wrong. It's is being built by the S. Korean government and the U.S. Navy will not be allowed on or near that island.


Well-Known Member
We shut down Subic bay in '92 in the Philippines, now we are going to build a new base there? Sounds expensive.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
A. The new "naval base" is actually a seaport.
B. The Philippine government is building it. Not us.
C. The Philippine government is rebuilding the seaport and adjoining runway strictly to support commercial business and tourism to the island.
D. People are speculating that it COULD become a mini-naval base for the U.S.. There are no facts to back this up.
E. The Defense Secretary of the Philippines stated that there are no plans to make this a military base or will be used for military purposes.

Keep the spin going. Nothing like a few lies to show how desperate the right is to discredit O'Bama. <--See Obama/young

Oh and if you're referring to the new naval base on Jeju Island in South Korea then once again you are dead wrong. It's is being built by the S. Korean government and the U.S. Navy will not be allowed on or near that island.
Where do you think the money comes from #1? And #2, this guy has more cred then you- Paul Craig Roberts, a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal.

You keep believing that your tax dollars, go to your schools and not some foreign country around the world and Obummer is really a democrat. LOL

There are few on here I usually ignore, you being one of them, due to your passive aggressive nature or non fact statements. Go read the link in the first post.


Well-Known Member

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Yet Bucky mocks me for wanting $2.00 gallon or lower gas. If programs like the JSF didn't exist, which don't work anyway, we could have FREE gas! No way! That gas tax pays to maintain fantasy roads, like the pot holes in my area not filled in ten years. :dunce:


Well-Known Member
Circling the wagons, not unlike Bush when he went crazy building military bases surrounding Russia (which really pissed them off by the way).

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
He is not building any god damned bases. I just explained that the S. Korean and Philippine governments are paying for their OWN construction. One is NOT A NAVAL BASE. The other one THE U.S. NAVY IS NOT ALLOWED TO GO NEAR. We're not spending the money on this. It's complete BULLSHIT.