so confused about this help


Well-Known Member
i talked to the guy at the local hydro shop and he was really trying to push the fox farms planting mix on me. I asked about the oceans forest and he said you are gonna have to add light warrior to it. The planting mix is more fluffly and already has the type of shit that light warrior has in its a bigger bag...

final verdict someone tell me what to buy..everywhere i read on this forum going back to 06 everyone says oceans forest never hear anything about the planting soil..

he told me not to add perlite either soo shit...

i hear so many different answers.... :( going again tomorrow when i get the final answer..


Well-Known Member
I ran their potting soil in a grow & i wasnt none too impressed,the standard potting soil didnt make one ounce of difference in yeild or plant health for me,i used FF potting soil in a side by side grow where the other plants were in off the shelf potting soil that was amended.

I wont be buying anything from FF ever again,the same results can be had making your own potting mix using any number of recipies all over the internet,its just too damm expensive for the benifits it offers.

If you just need a bag or two i can see where its easier not to mess with mixing your own soil but anything over a few bags i cant see it.


Well-Known Member
I agree with panhead that its easier to just make your own mix but FFOF isnt bad stuff just $$$. I mix my FF OF with about 25% perlite and that works fine. You will not need any nutes for a good month.


Well-Known Member
A fancy name don't do shit for the plants they don't give a rat's ass as long as the soil is ph correct has a few nutes to get them started growing. A stated above mix your own and save a few bucks for other grow room need's..


i've never had a problem using Pro Mix. its like $30 for 3.8 cubic feet for the stuff... where fax farm would cost almost $30 for just the small bag. really...give ProMix a try.


Well-Known Member
well the first time i mixed my own soil. and i ended up getting bugs and fungi all in the dirt..kinda turn me off to that idea ya know? maybe if someone could share their mix with me that would be appreciated

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Use the internet. It has all the answers to any question you need. FF OF isn't bad. If you're lazy and got cash it's a good choice. I don't see the need for Light Warrior. This guy kind of sounds like a swindler. Call Shenanigans if you must.

Shenanigans: An official declaration made by patrons of an establishment who feel they have been cheated. Once a charge of shenanigans has been accepted by an authority figure, said patrons are free to assault the owners of said establishment with brooms.


Well-Known Member
well the first time i mixed my own soil. and i ended up getting bugs and fungi all in the dirt..kinda turn me off to that idea ya know? maybe if someone could share their mix with me that would be appreciated
The products i use are All off the shelf products found at home depot & ace hardware stores,most any garden center will carry these products as well,home depot is the cheapest retailer in my area.

My Rough mixing chart.

Home depot economy potting soil = $2 for 40lbs / 30%.

Home Depot economy Top Soil = $ 2 for 40lbs / 20%.

Home Depot economy humus/manure mix = $3 for 40lbs / 10%.

Home depot Miracle Grow perlite =$5 for 8 quarts / 20%.

Home Depot Masons sand = $3 for 40lbs /5%.

Ace Hardware Vermiculite = $5 for 8 quarts / 10%.

Ace Hardware Dolomite lime $5,add 1/2 cup every 5 gallons soil mix.

This is the mix i use & it costs less than $5 for every 40lbs of mixed soil,the mix turns out very light & fluffy with excellent drainage.

Here are some more soil recipies.


Well-Known Member
My soil mix simple and affordable
Any soil with no time release nutrients 50%
Perlite 25%
Vermiculite 25% mixed well...... I've had many successful grows with this simple mix.....Best of luck!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
ok so i got some FF soil and perlite to get it going plants are about a month old and 8 inches or so. I have been using MG since germ. I read here that feeding the plants is not needed for at least another this the case even though im this far into veg