Active Member
Idk...never did that for me...infact made me a lil impadent... (sp?)
Any suggestions how to get Mary Jane back....and please no "take xanax" or "drink" with it...if I had a penny for everytime I heard that I'd have a jet on 24 hour stand by.
I dont think you need to take even MORE drugs just to counter marijuana's self-made paranoia effects..its really more of a psychological thing and that you have to learn to control. If you have a all round stress-full life (which i share right now), then yes of course smoking weed can make you very paranoid cuz your mind is not at rest (believe me had these bad trips many many times) have to learn to smoke weed to relax but not to smoke weed to stress! Try smoking weed and listening to your favorite music or gotta live in the moment (trust me you gotta try it!). Take a moment to relax, think positive, let the rhythm of life drift you away..