So fucked up...

Idk...never did that for me...infact made me a lil impadent... (sp?)

Any suggestions how to get Mary Jane back....and please no "take xanax" or "drink" with it...if I had a penny for everytime I heard that I'd have a jet on 24 hour stand by.

I dont think you need to take even MORE drugs just to counter marijuana's self-made paranoia effects..its really more of a psychological thing and that you have to learn to control. If you have a all round stress-full life (which i share right now), then yes of course smoking weed can make you very paranoid cuz your mind is not at rest (believe me had these bad trips many many times) have to learn to smoke weed to relax but not to smoke weed to stress! Try smoking weed and listening to your favorite music or gotta live in the moment (trust me you gotta try it!). Take a moment to relax, think positive, let the rhythm of life drift you away..:joint:
Well I've issues with panic attacks from smoking or not but a few things that helped me have been:

-Anti-anxiety meds. When you feel a panic coming on, get the meds in you! (I prefer lorazepam.)
-Smoke smaller amounts more often to build up your tolerance so it doesn't hit you as hard.
-This may sound weird but do some brisk exercise when you feel a panic coming on.
-Break the cycle, if you feel a panic coming on stop whatever you;r doing and do something different for a few minutes. Go outside, call a friend, check your e-mail, but keep your mind occupied.

Hope that helps! Peace. =)
smoke every day morning noon and night your freaking out cos your body is reacting to having nothing thc wise in its system to smoking high grade and its getting a little jumpy. some strains are worse than others for this. i bet you find if you smoke a bong first thing in the morning have a paranoia attack then hit another at dinnertime you will feel fine, high and happy.
smoke every day morning noon and night your freaking out cos your body is reacting to having nothing thc wise in its system to smoking high grade and its getting a little jumpy. some strains are worse than others for this. i bet you find if you smoke a bong first thing in the morning have a paranoia attack then hit another at dinnertime you will feel fine, high and happy.
dosent work...

Well I've issues with panic attacks from smoking or not but a few things that helped me have been:

-Anti-anxiety meds. When you feel a panic coming on, get the meds in you! (I prefer lorazepam.)
-Smoke smaller amounts more often to build up your tolerance so it doesn't hit you as hard.
-This may sound weird but do some brisk exercise when you feel a panic coming on.
-Break the cycle, if you feel a panic coming on stop whatever you;r doing and do something different for a few minutes. Go outside, call a friend, check your e-mail, but keep your mind occupied.

Hope that helps! Peace. =)
Intresting...ill give it a try...

there are strains that are good for anxiety and depression.try them.

Get some brickweed
same thing happends..

had similar feelings. Just started a thread before seeing this post. LINK
Maybe paranoid for a reason, maybe not, who knows. I don't, sorry. lol
Honestly i had panic attacks many times in the last few years, see a psychiatrist, or therapist it helped me out BIG time!!
My issues were because i worry to much, about every little thing. Having someone tell me i was ok and all i needed was meditation, yoga or something that let my mind relax was what helped me. In the last 2 years i lost a job of 7 yrs, had a bad car accident that wrote off my car, and had 5 close friends die. Ya sometimes the brain gets overlaoded with bad feelings and it needs a vacation, hope u feel better
Just don't smoke. Why try and force yourself to be unhappy? Growing can still be a fun hobby. Plus its just pure profit for you too. Don't do any drugs. Just try mental exercises to help control them. Look up alternative methods and wait it out. If you think you can handle it better later on then you'll already have some top shelf to try. Good luck.
Update...I just smoked some male plant I chopped down 3 days ago. Sounds gross (and it sorta is) but this male had SO much Trichromes I seriously thought it was a female till I saw the balls. I saved the leaves for like cooking and shit like that...

So just for the hell of it I packed a bowl, light up and yeah...I feel pretty nice =]

It was an indica. So I think that from not smoking in so long, and my pastro piate addiction I need too ease my way back into it and stick too stoney couch lock highs like Indicas. I feel pretty good right now =]

Gonna order some indica seeds. I couldnt find strawberry cough ut I did find Rasepberry cough on nirvana...would that be good?
Honestly i had panic attacks many times in the last few years, see a psychiatrist, or therapist it helped me out BIG time!!
My issues were because i worry to much, about every little thing. Having someone tell me i was ok and all i needed was meditation, yoga or something that let my mind relax was what helped me. In the last 2 years i lost a job of 7 yrs, had a bad car accident that wrote off my car, and had 5 close friends die. Ya sometimes the brain gets overlaoded with bad feelings and it needs a vacation, hope u feel better

I think that has to do alot with it. I just lost 2 decade long friends, I spend alot of time alone, I dont talk too my dad anymore, and I gotta get my tooth pulled tommorow which Im ver worried about cause there obviously gonna give me opiates and I been clean so long I dont wana be a junkie agai...I los SO much from oxycontin and heroin..:neutral:
Just keep in mind that most people have better things to do then worry about your weed smoking... Most people.
That's why you opened, read, and commented on my weed smoking...your so right!...

hey this is the internet we don't have to actually care to comment ;)

though in all seriousness, I'm prone to panic attacks myself. you just have to tell yourself it's a mental thing (unless you want to take meds for it - I don't, other than the herb). while we can all toss around ideas for you on here, the only person that's gonna make a bad trip go away is you. all you can do is focus on something else until the negative feelings fade or channel them into a creative outlet. yoga and meditation help me calm down sometimes

but don't blame the weed man. :) there are side effects to everything. too much of anything is never a good thing, or whatever that saying is. regulation means something different to everyone. smoke whatever you feel comfortable smoking, and if that's a hit or two, than whatever. means your weed will last longer.

just gotta ride the wave while it's here
if you're 19 there is a good chance your body is just doing some stuff right now. young men continue to physically mature until 21. you are smack in the middle of the age i was when i used to have a very similar problem with the herb. it went away on its own. also some pretty good general advice being offered here. moniter your doses, take longer breaks, keep your mind occupied, and get more positivity in your life. if it doesn't make the problem go away, it will at least make the problem easier to handle until it settles down.
I get that way when I smoke heavy indica strains. With the sativas I do not get it and I kinda miss it. So I blend a little of each together and it gets me nice and baked with just that little edge but no major freakout. And if all else fails eat some Fritos or something so you come down a little. Sometimes you just gotta ride it out for like 10 minutes that seems like eternity but then you mellow out after.


Do as Chong says. Meelllloooow!
if you're 19 there is a good chance your body is just doing some stuff right now. young men continue to physically mature until 21. you are smack in the middle of the age i was when i used to have a very similar problem with the herb. it went away on its own. also some pretty good general advice being offered here. moniter your doses, take longer breaks, keep your mind occupied, and get more positivity in your life. if it doesn't make the problem go away, it will at least make the problem easier to handle until it settles down.
Really? Glad too hear it went away dude...+rep for the practical advice.

I get that way when I smoke heavy indica strains. With the sativas I do not get it and I kinda miss it. So I blend a little of each together and it gets me nice and baked with just that little edge but no major freakout. And if all else fails eat some Fritos or something so you come down a little. Sometimes you just gotta ride it out for like 10 minutes that seems like eternity but then you mellow out after.


Do as Chong says. Meelllloooow!
Haha...I actually thought itd be the opposite since indicas are more of the couch locked highs right?