so fucked


Well-Known Member
So I'm growing in corn and its starting to get cut around here so I decided to move one plant to a younger corn patch.... Well-known I think growing in corn is a bad idea now!! I'm about 1 week in flower and don't feel like I got much of the roots (although I don't think there is a great root base) so this plant topped itself while it was young so it had two main branches. While carrying itthe smaller branch split at the fork... I was passing a grape vine and for whatever fucked up reason thought I would grab some vine to string the two branches together... Well while grabing for vine the whole main branch fuckin snapped :( .so now I have a plant that's split and the main branch that's broken. I taped the two branches together with gorilla tape and then used the tape and 4 sticks to support the main branch. The plant is about 6 foot and broke about a foot above the ground, so if it doesn't work I'm screwed but any suggestions???:( And what's the worst someone's broken their plant and what fixed it?


Well-Known Member
Just make sure you've taped it together tight enough that the two pieces are snug, that way it will heal properly.

I split my main stem while lst-ing my branches recently. Gave it a good tape job and it never even wilted on me.


Well-Known Member
I tried to tape it as tight as possible but its hard to tell what's proper, the snap didn't sever the branch but made about a 1" long wound. Its not supposed to rain for about 4 days so I think that will help with keeping extra weight off the wound but I just don't know how its gonna pull thru. Its such a good looking plant too! And I need to move another one that's 7+ foot high but now I'm not thinking it'll be so easy. Before I thought "O just take a shovel and dig it up" well easier said then done apparently!


Well-Known Member
Also I remember reading in a horticultural book that with some plants a way to clone them is to cut a slit and pack it with spagnam moss and wet it then wrap with plastic and it will root. I'm not trying to clone this plant but worried about losing it so I'm thinking maybe I can get the broken part to root if it doesn't heal and the roots would supply that part of the plant a little better? Anyone ever do that?? Sounds crazy and it seems like I would have to decide now if I should pack the wound with moss or see what happens but what u guys think of that idea or does tape have a good track record? I did a search and seems like I did the right thing by just tapeing but that seems too easy! Lol.


Well-Known Member
I've also applied rooting gel, like Olivias, to my ladies when I've accidently split a branch. Then I taped it. I figured the hormones that you would apply to a cutting to induce root growth would be beneficial when applying in this situation. Don't know if that's scientifically correct, but I'm pretty sure it's never hurt them.


Well-Known Member
Yea same principal as I was thinking but not sure that the little roots would do. I wanna go check it now but don't wanna draw attention to the new spot

cancer survivor

Active Member
make your girlfreind help you transplant the 2nd dont break it,dig a big root ball wrap in tarp put in wheelbarrel get gf to srteady and away we go!


Press that shit back together, and wrap it as tight as possible with duct tape, or electrical tape. I've broken some pretty thick stalks, and they healed just fine this way.


Well-Known Member
When one decides to utilize a cornfield, one must differentiate between sweet corn and feed corn,

Sweet corn is generally harvested right about now, while feed corn is intentionally left to dry on stalks and harvested as late as possible...sometimes as late as November.

Problem here is it's almost impossible to differentiate between the 2 when planting cannabis.


Well-Known Member
Its feed corn but some are cutting for green sileage.. I guess we will see what happens I wrapped it with gorilla tape and used a branch about a inch thick broke it in 4 pieces and taped thag around it also.. no commercial sweet corn around us.