So, how DO people get busted?


Active Member
I have a tendancy to take 20 minute showers in the morning every morning. I imagine that puts about 20 bucks on the meter by itself. By cutting my shower time below 5 minutes and buying a 400 watt, nothing would really change.


Well-Known Member
I know several officers, and of course my projects are never talked about. But, according to them its about 85% stupidity.


Well-Known Member
My very first outdoor grow, when I was 13, got ripped off by me trying to show off. Ever since then, only myself and my investors know about my grows. Oh yeah, and all you fuckers, too! Power companies are 99% automated. A computer sees how much power you draw, and a computer sends you a bill. Pay your shit on time, and that 1% has zero reason to get involved.


Well-Known Member
Doing stupid shit sinks ships also my friends :D

you dont wana be breaking the law in any other way when your growin..this gives the police a reason to come to your house and possibly ''come across' your grow or spot something that will lead to them coming back with a warrent.

I found out the hard way lol

3 babys gone :(

Ohh and the police ALWAYS have informants.. Just because they wear badges and carry mace dont mean there psychic, just means people want to tell them shit! :D

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
Fuck that! I'll take myself out before I go back to jail. They crucify people for weed related charges in my state.
Over here ur cool wil be out of the police station as soon as they process u and then u wil be released on bail. In the uk ur only going to jail if ur growing a lot to make money. My mate got caught coz he cheated on his girlfriend. She called the police and grassed him up. No pun intended lol. He got a fine and community service. The truth is theres not enough prisons in the uk to lock people up for weed. And its expensive to keep a prisoner in jail.