So I built this DIY aerocloner and...


Well-Known Member
The damn thing worked.

Now I'm at a crossroads. I've been a strictly soil grower and had intended on using this only to produce clones to take to soil. But after reading last night, I realize now that I have a more efficient way of growing right under my nose.

I am running distilled tap water of 6.5 ph and stuck at 78F. I have given these zero nutrients, and they were cut 8 days ago.

I guess my question is, I can put them in new pots that are enclosed and grow them to completion where they stand now, yes?

Is there a link can someone can throw my way guiding me to thistype of grow?



The damn thing worked.

Now I'm at a crossroads. I've been a strictly soil grower and had intended on using this only to produce clones to take to soil. But after reading last night, I realize now that I have a more efficient way of growing right under my nose.

I am running distilled tap water of 6.5 ph and stuck at 78F. I have given these zero nutrients, and they were cut 8 days ago.

I guess my question is, I can put them in new pots that are enclosed and grow them to completion where they stand now, yes?

Is there a link can someone can throw my way guiding me to thistype of grow?

I am in the same boat as you almost. I used to grow DWC and built a cloner and was shocked by good it worked. You probably wont be able to go through the whole grow in that bucket due to the roots and the pump and limited space of the bucket, but I also have limited experience.

I currently have some girls in my cloner that I though I was going to move to my DWC, but I am just going to build a bigger better aero system.

Some positives I have seen so far are the efficiencies with power and materials. I am using half the concentration of nutes and still getting root burn,(no guide to nutes for aero). I have also eliminated my giant air pump due to oxygen not being a problem with aero. Should be getting an adjustable cap recycle timer that will take the time pump runs from 24 hrs a day to a little less than 5 hrs a day.

Hopefull this new system I am building will get a grow journal, we will see.
I am in the same boat as you almost. I used to grow DWC and built a cloner and was shocked by good it worked. You probably wont be able to go through the whole grow in that bucket due to the roots interfering pump and limited space of the bucket, but I also have limited experience.

I currently have some girls in my cloner that I though I was going to move to my DWC, but I am just going to build a bigger better aero system.

Some positives I have seen so far are the efficiencies with power and materials. I am using half the concentration of nutes and still getting nute burn,(no guide to nutes for aero). I have also eliminated my giant air pump due to oxygen not being a problem with aero. Should be getting an adjustable cap recycle timer that will take the time pump runs from 24 hrs a day to a little less than 5 hrs a day.

Hopefull this new system I am building will get a grow journal, we will see.


Well-Known Member
Wtf? I canr root shit in mine. What strain u running with?
i'm not doing so great with mine either. i built a 12 site cloner and tested it with 3 strains (super girl, super skunk and papaya) 4 of each strain. 3 out of 4 super skunks rooted within a week. only 1 of the super girls rooted (although only one root stem came out). and none of the papayas rooted at all. i'm using ro water ph'd at 6.0-6.5 with no nutes. i'm under a bunch of cfl's and 2 2-foot fluoros.

my question is what is the best cycle for the pump to come on?? i have a nft timer that is 1 minute on and 4 minutes off.........but i don't know if this is best. i've been thinking about 5 minutes on and 20 minutes off. any thoughts?:-|
Wtf? I canr root shit in mine. What strain u running with?
From all the reading I have done on cloning, its probably not the cloner, but instead the process in which the cutting was taken.

I use a very nice pairing knife that is boiled and then dipped in alcohol, but just be sure to use something sterile and razor sharp. You want to cut diagonally across the stem of the cutting to expose more of the plants cells(similar to wrist)lol. Now here is the tricky part, you need to get the cutting immediately into a cup of luke warm water so the stem doesnt suck up air. I let the cuttings chill there for a few minutes well I prep the cloner(temp 70-80 and PH6.0). The transfer to the cloner for the cuttings is fast. Leave the cloner on for a couple weeks(2) and you should have roots.

I fucked a lot of clones up until I built the cloner, 100% success now.


Well-Known Member
I do exact same as u and have even used jumpstart or nutriplus(they r root enhancers) aswell as plain water. Its a 23 site cloner and outta the 100+ I've cut ide say 15 max made it. I've had cuttings in there for over a mnth b4 I gave up on them. I'm due to do a bunch of cuttings this weekend and have been posting my problem everywhere trying to get this sorted out b4 I waste more cuttings and time


Well-Known Member
This is the second time I've attempted to clone with it.

The first I took water out of the tap, didn't pay attention to the temps, and also added a root stimulant to it. Killed both clone attempts.

I listened to the person's advice who showed me this technology and used zero nutes, but bought an aquarium heater from WalMart for $10. There is no adjustability to it, it just makes the water 78F. I also left the water out in a bucket for 2 days before putting it in the cloner.

I took my cuttings from a flowering plant, and still got roots in 7 days.
I dont know if this would cause a problem, but isnt jump start for foliar feeding. I put a teaspoon of clonex gel in, but am pretty convinced that I dont even need that.

One thing I do is lightly mar the lower 1 inch of the cutting with the edge of my knife, just enough to break skin of the cutting. I do this so I get more exposed cells being sprayed.

I am by no means an expert, just sharing wat I do. An expert would be useful though.


Well-Known Member
What strain? I found that the 1s from my flowering room did better prob cuz they had less nitrogen in them.I use a heat mat that keeps it at 22-23


Well-Known Member
Jumpstart can be used as a foiler feed or medium soak. I don't like the idea of foilar feeding cuttings cuz I want them to get the nutes they need from roots. If I keep spraying them they will feed from there and not bother trying to root.