So I decided to give it a shot.


Well-Known Member
I have been lurking around here for a few weeks just trying to pick up some info. I decided to do a first grow with some bagseed I had laying around. My first tries I wouldn't exactly call grows because they died before the first two weeks. This luckily lady made it through those two weeks so I put my attention on her. I currently have a mixture of three 23w cfls and 2 13w cfls. Im using to some potting soil i had lying around the house nothing crazy like ff or mg.The container i decided to use was some large square container because i really i didnt want to transplant.. I do have a couple question.. My container has no draining system could this be a soil seems to dry alot quicker i think its due to the container size and not worrying ill end up overwater or are some picks.. i promise to post more when i get suggestions on how to improve my set up



New Member
put more light and dont cheap out on the soil dude like for real 15 bucks get a bag of the good shit thatll last you alot of grows


Well-Known Member
put more light and dont cheap out on the soil dude like for real 15 bucks get a bag of the good shit thatll last you alot of grows
what you said man, the key to success when using cfls is to put the light close almost touching the plants.. and if you are using good soil dont use any nutes for several weeks if not months.. good luck man


Well-Known Member
yeah i basically have my lights about a inch or two above my plant..I plan on adding more cfls and i fan..i was wondering how long should i wait to transplant using a better soil like ff..should i change to a regular pot with drainage? thanks for the replies i will update with changes soon


Well-Known Member
here is some updated pictures hopefully to spark some responses...i think i see yellowing but it may be the flash.. and here is one with out the flash..CIMG0017.jpgCIMG0020.jpg


Well-Known Member
yeah i plan on transplanting into a put with ff this weekend..maybe grab some lights but she is growing like crazy now


Well-Known Member
Well here are some updates hopefully she stays bushy not to much stretch..had to raise the lights she was getting a little burned..CIMG0036.jpg


Well-Known Member
just a little update..she is doing well transplanted her into a put im thinking about starting 12/12 to keep her short.. recommendations please also she got burnt a little so my wife trimmed the leaves...CIMG0034.jpgCIMG0027.jpg

