So I found a pot plant growing outside my window


what do? I just started watering it, it must have been 2 feet before I even new it was there must have thown some seeds out or somthing lol.


Well-Known Member
Love it, and care for it, and sing to it, and play it music, and name it, and love it... Then post pics


Well-Known Member
Love it, and care for it, and sing to it, and play it music, and name it, and love it... Then post pics
Hehehehe I noticed you said love it twice I hope thats love for an object not love as in sex lol.
But with all seriousness please post a pic @tepee07.


Well-Known Member
People find weed plants all the time!
I found a couple of 2 footers growing out of
a unused fire pit in my yard and a friend and
I found some plants growing out of the carpet
inside his Ford Van. Must have had a
water leak in the roof. Other friends and I found
pot plants along the wash at the LA River, pot plants found
in the back of movie studio sets, pot plants in planters above your head
at tables inside fast food places such as Carls Jr and in between the small bushes in the parking lot
medians at shopping centers, also growing on hills and such etc.....
to many places to name that have plants growing. Pot plants growing
all over the place are easy to find if you live in the right kind of area though.


Well-Known Member
Some of my friends call me "Johnny Pot Seed" I plant them where ever I go...
Rest stop in Montana...
Along the path to climb Mt Helena...
Turn out near Yellowstones north border...
Planters at: Carls Jr... Taco Bell... to name two...
My friend [a cop] in his back yard...