So i got these clones...


New Member
I received rooted clones 7 weeks ago and have been growing them since. I just transplanted into 7 gal...when i started to hear about training, topping etc. I know my lights are not adequate... I have (5)19 watt led in a 3x7 closet.
Having trouble figuring out whats up with the leaves...can you help?
Is it ok to top at this stage? Almost think i should start over.

This strain is called sweet cindy.

Also, i need to figure out a setup for growing perpetual with 24 plants. 2 flower rooms adequate for 6 plants each in 7 gal, and 1 veg room for the rest. Looking at building a garage for this since i dont have a basement. How many square feet per room, how many 1000w led, and any other info you think is pertinent.

Thanks from the center of my heart.



Well-Known Member
plants look good to me.....get more light, but thats your plan and you already know so.... yeah a 3 tent setup is best, you can do a 3 room setup but thats essentially the same thing.....3 tents, 2x 6 plants and 1 veg tent. do 5x5's, they should be plenty. Ide do a 1200w viparspectra LED in veg tent. Ide probably just do good ol HPS in bloom because with two tents you can only have 1 light setup running because of 12 hour light intervals.