So I got this friend growin weed in his car right..


And its growin under his seat.

Mind you his car is a pos, but theres a puddle under his seat and i get in the back, What do i find? 2 leaves popping out from under. Hydroponic car weed, a thing of the future?


Well-Known Member
so because of a puddle or spilt drink, and some loose seeds, he had some hydro fighting to get out from under his seat? not a safe way to roll!


Active Member
HAHAHA that is laughs! Dont overstand how dat would work....but much of luck to him! heard of sum crazy places people have grown but NEVER heard of one ina car


[video=youtube;dK9FVB9hLQE][/video] .................................................. ..............

Bueno Time

Well-Known Member
Ive heard a story of a guy getting pulled over cops check the car n find seeds under the floor mats. Some of them had sprouted from moisture from wet shoes...