So i have a few questions about my first grow please help


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Hi all, long time reader first time legal grower.
So this is my first grow from start to finish. The strain is supposed to be Sour Apple. I have been using all fox farm products "Ocean forest, grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom and open sesame , beastie blooms and cha ching". Everythg has been going great until about 4-5 days ago. The fan leafs have started to yellow and become crispy at the edges, and some of the sugar leafs are doing the same. The only thing i think it may be is. Last week i went to my local grow store because i had a ph that was around 7.1 , i wanted some ph down but they were all out of it, so i asked what could i use from around the house, he told me vinegar and lemon juice would drop the ph. So i started using 1 tbs of vinegar per 1 gal or water and that is when all the leafs started to change. Since then i have been using just distiled water thats it, Will the plant recover from this? i am just very conserned because i think it is almost done and i dont want to have it smoke/taste harsh or like shit.
Also can anyone give me a estimate on how close this is ? tri's are mostly clear 30% still cloudy.\
Ty for any feedback


Well-Known Member
7.1 isn't TOO bad, did you check your PH after adding the vinegar?
Did you use white distilled vinegar?
When is the last time you fed, and what did you feed?
It looks like it's fairly close, I personally wouldn't worry about the yellowing since it looks like you'll be harvesting within a week and half or so.
I'm kinda confused though, you say '30% still cloudy', but actually your trichs will start out clear, and cloud up as they mature.


Well-Known Member
What was the pH of the water with vinegar added? Add some calmag to the distilled water.


Well-Known Member
Dude, fan leaves turn yellow often about this time of the grow, i wouldn't stress.. your plants look good to me. Just don't mess with em anymore. How long they been flowering?


Well-Known Member
The plants begin to suck up the nutrients from the fan leaves and use them in the buds, like the sugars and other good stuff. Natural, chill, smoke... enjoy your plants. repeat.


Active Member
yes it was distilled vinegar and after it was added the ph droped to 6.2
the last time i fed was on sunday
3 tbs big bloom
2 tbs tiger bloom
0.25 tbs cha ching
and sorry i ment to put 30% still clear noob mistake :-?
And the ph of the water with distilled vinegar was 4.5
Ty for the replys


Well-Known Member probably only needed about an eye dropper full of that vinegar, if that! ...a teaspoon per gallon probably dropped your ph from 7.1 to something like 4 which is far worse than the original 7.1.

...thankfully, you're almost at harvest time.

peace, bozo


Active Member
I knew that they would turn yellow but i just wanted to make sure all was good, just due to them turning so fast.
it has been in flowering since november 28th


Well-Known Member
Flush the shit out of em, then let em dry for a few days, your smoke will taste much better, no more nutes!!