So i know this guy...


Well-Known Member
ok i know no matter how hard i try to convince you that this situation does not pertain to me you wont believe me so here it goes.

i am a college student and while i may live off campus with some of my friends i heard that there was a shakedown at the dorms(living on campus) and this kid got cought with 1/4 of a pound.

from what i am hearing he will get off with a minor fine and probation

now i honestly dont believe this for one because intent is there because of the amount he had. i think he is honestly fucked what do you guys think will happen to him?

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
What state are you in, and is this in the US? If it was a dorm shake down, it was most likely campus police. Different states differ in criminal penalties for marijuana possession, and charging for marijuana sales is getting harder for the "police" is SOME areas of the US. This last year there has been ground breaking reform for pot laws all through the country! So, in short, yes, he could possibly and likely! be only arrested on misdemeanor charges!


Well-Known Member
Well, if it was in one bag...
Nobody can prove anything other than personal use.
Not even johnny cockroach
So I guess depending on state and laws I believe it...Jesus christ I quit worrying about weed when I heard of several friends and others getting busted here in IOWA with Meth ounces not gms and assaults and multiple robberies on top of it on their records....and some are getting fines or probation or barely any time....for meth GDamn it is crazy...
so anything is possible, Id even assume probation for only 1/4 lb anyway
if it was his first offense especially....because most states have a mandatory first offense clause offering matter how much you got or are growing.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Due to the fact that going on 100 years a go, the bootleggers and casino "saloon" owners had more washed "legal" money and political influence than the farmers had.