so i pull out my plants today


Well-Known Member
I have two for my tent, one inside to destink, one outside to clean the air going into my tent.
I bought them at the same time. The filter outside the tent is dark, the one inside is white.

I don't want all that crap on my buds.


Well-Known Member
What's fucked up is the other day they smelled like some.good ass weed...almost like the finished of em stil does...the other one straight up stinks...not a pleasant odor at all...I definately see where the name "skunk" came from....I'd say theres some skunk in these genes somewhere
You are correct... comes from the critical side... Skunk #1 genes as well as Big Bud and possible Afghani. Then you have Kush genes in there which I'm not too familiar with but is straight Cali dank.
This was bound to happen...

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
Critical kush Barney's farm...og kush×critical mass....I kinda know a Guy through a Guy who's a grower n i buy smoke off him....have for some time now...found four seeds in a qp and here we are...they all were female seeds....never found any before never found any since n I'm smoking on his weed right was a fluke....he says he doesn't know how the seeds came...he ordered one batch of feminized seeds bout a year ago n has cloned off them since...never a male in the house....???
Those fricken buds look fucking fantastic!!!! Keep in mind, if you found seeds in your bud and you planted them, watch for the Hermaphrodite strain in your grow.


New Member
I've read all the comments n liked them all...getting some tide for my driveway now...ha...but its just a backup cause the pine sol in the bucket w water did the trick pretty much...I'm having a fucked up deal here w my ability to function on this sight...I switched fones n since then I can't do anything but post pics...cant even like comments...I'm bout to say fuck safe is it to post videos on you tube...I can do that but am hesitant...its a way for those interested to follow my progress tho cause I can't seem to fix this problem I'm having here.


Well-Known Member
Looking close boy. I'd wait though still seeing quite a bit of white in there. What week are you on?


Well-Known Member
Oh ya deff wait then bro. The last 2 weeks is when they pack on the weight and get huge. They are 9 weekers right?


New Member
Yes cfls only...I'll b harvesting on the 29th...that'll b 9weeks....I've already harvested bout 2grams to sample....really makes me consider harvesting now cause the smokes already dank...real dank.


New Member
Not sure if they're 9weekers...I've read 50-60days...I've read 55-65....I may harvest one at 60 days n one at 70....ima at least push one the extra mile