So I started a plant..


Well-Known Member
Haven't had any rain here. they said it was goin to but never did my weather man is pretty much unreliable as fuck.
leave out buckets with tap water and pH it, if its too high(mine comes out 6.9 but i like 6.3-6.7 usually) so you can get pH down or lemon juice to lower it. leave it out for a day or two to get out the chlorine, boiling it or leaving it in the sun is a good idea. if shes almost dry just use spring water or distilled. i got home a few days ago but its been pouring everyday.


Active Member
leave out buckets with tap water and pH it, if its too high(mine comes out 6.9 but i like 6.3-6.7 usually) so you can get pH down or lemon juice to lower it. leave it out for a day or two to get out the chlorine, boiling it or leaving it in the sun is a good idea. if shes almost dry just use spring water or distilled. i got home a few days ago but its been pouring everyday.
Nice advice, when it was raining in my area I had a clogged rain gutter that would flow heavily off the side. So I put a trash can under it and saved it, LOL. Should have been cleaned out but instead i used the clogged gutter to my advantage. After the rain, I just filled it up with city water (eww) and I had a pump laying around that I put at the bottom of the trash can to help circulate the water and I'd let it sit for a few days before using it because I didn't want the chlorides killing my mychorizae :)


Well-Known Member
Nice advice, when it was raining in my area I had a clogged rain gutter that would flow heavily off the side. So I put a trash can under it and saved it, LOL. Should have been cleaned out but instead i used the clogged gutter to my advantage. After the rain, I just filled it up with city water (eww) and I had a pump laying around that I put at the bottom of the trash can to help circulate the water and I'd let it sit for a few days before using it because I didn't want the chlorides killing my mychorizae :)
haha i do the same thing, just stick the buckets under gutters. i keep out lots of buckets but if i add any tap water i wait and then pH, if its in the sun i think its better too.


Well-Known Member
maybe its stunted. usually there is a burst of veg growth at the start of flower. the "stretch."
i use rain water and de-humidifier water together. i add minerals.


Active Member
Im not sure what your light schedule is like but here in Cali, I started my plants outdoors at a risky early march. Late april, early may-ish they started to flower so I had to add lights, which I think helped a little but eventually june they were all veg again and now weve passed our longest day of the year a week ago so its all down hill form here, meaning I guess that they'll start flowering when there ready and this time I will be too.


Active Member
Theres a little spot on the bud idk what it is. Its hard to see in the pic.

Alright size bud. Not the biggest but ya know.

So look at this at tell me. Over or under a qp



Active Member
Looking great Mrf. I cant really help with harvest ideas since I am still working out exactly where I like them to be, but great job with the girls.



Active Member
So I got a scope and found a few black trichomes and a lot of amber and cloudy so I harvested the biggest bud. So I'm gonna be watching the plant and picking it off buds at a time. Should all be done by the 10th I think