Rising Moon
Well-Known Member
That's really cool to hear.
My experiances with vetch (purple hairy) have been really good. The bees/butterfly's LOVE it. But it is a Biannual plant so won't winter kill at all, it actually comes back even stronger the second year. I've been using it in conjunction with my tomatoes, and a really cool tech, is to plant vetch in the fall, let it over winter, and come June when it flowers, you can cut it right at the soil line, and the whole bed can be rolled up like a vetch carpet. Then roll it back out, and transplant into the now wilting vetch carpet. The breakdown of the vetch root system provides all the food needed for the tomatoes or whatever other heavy feeder you've got(Cannabis!), and it's no till/weed free.
My experiances with vetch (purple hairy) have been really good. The bees/butterfly's LOVE it. But it is a Biannual plant so won't winter kill at all, it actually comes back even stronger the second year. I've been using it in conjunction with my tomatoes, and a really cool tech, is to plant vetch in the fall, let it over winter, and come June when it flowers, you can cut it right at the soil line, and the whole bed can be rolled up like a vetch carpet. Then roll it back out, and transplant into the now wilting vetch carpet. The breakdown of the vetch root system provides all the food needed for the tomatoes or whatever other heavy feeder you've got(Cannabis!), and it's no till/weed free.