So I tried Shrooms the other night...


Active Member
my friends and i just made tea with probably an ounce and holy shit......what a nice i was stuck to the tv watching planet earth on discovery and it was like 3d and shit.....and the tea didnt make me sick the next day.....probably my last time with shrooms though....glad it was my best trip.


Well-Known Member
last time i tripped i ate 3.7 grams... got stuck on the show "locked up" on tv for an hour... baaaaad trip lol..... when i could finally change the channel, i went up once and landed on the church channel for 3 hours... "the errors of your ways will condemn you to eternal damnation!" lol.... baaaaaad trip. hahahaha


Well-Known Member
last time i tripped i ate 3.7 grams... got stuck on the show "locked up" on tv for an hour... baaaaad trip lol..... when i could finally change the channel, i went up once and landed on the church channel for 3 hours... "the errors of your ways will condemn you to eternal damnation!" lol.... baaaaaad trip. hahahaha

LMAO no shit!!!!!!!!!! I have tried Salvia a few time, but never Acid or Shrooms. I can't ever seem to find either one, although my buddie has been tellin me that he has a friend that can get em. I have yet to see any tho, considering trying to grow thoes too just to see if I can do it.


Active Member
my most intense shroom trip was when some friends and i went out to a paddock and picked like a bagfull and went home and boiled and strained it to a 2L bottle of black Just Juice lol... later we went camping next to a creek in a state forest park all alone.... after i had my cup and since my friend ( who was more experienced than me) only had half i had his and god damn.. my friends turned to wolves and i was howling at the moon while the sky turned to purple drapes :D .. intense rushes .. lucky he didnt because he talked me out of going down the creek and checking out waterfalls because that could of hurt.. 5 / 5 stars :D ... warning tho since we didnt finish the bottle i had some the next week after it had been in a fridge... not good at ALL .. realy angry / suicidal thoughts .. so i think somethin bad happened to it while it was in the fridge or i was just messed up ?@? .. i suppose fresh is best like anything :D .. peace DK


Active Member
my most intense shroom trip was when some friends and i went out to a paddock and picked like a bagfull and went home and boiled and strained it to a 2L bottle of black Just Juice lol... later we went camping next to a creek in a state forest park all alone.... after i had my cup and since my friend ( who was more experienced than me) only had half i had his and god damn.. my friends turned to wolves and i was howling at the moon while the sky turned to purple drapes :D .. intense rushes .. lucky he didnt because he talked me out of going down the creek and checking out waterfalls because that could of hurt.. 5 / 5 stars :D ... warning tho since we didnt finish the bottle i had some the next week after it had been in a fridge... not good at ALL .. realy angry / suicidal thoughts .. so i think somethin bad happened to it while it was in the fridge or i was just messed up ?@? .. i suppose fresh is best like anything :D .. peace DK
lol thought i should add too i felt a strange feeling when close to the bottle (fear i think lol) and while having a sesh in the car i could feel the bottle and it wasnt happy.. after asking where it was i found a friend had put it in boot of the car so i got it out quick and gave it its own seat and it was happy.. very trippy :D


lol thought i should add too i felt a strange feeling when close to the bottle (fear i think lol) and while having a sesh in the car i could feel the bottle and it wasnt happy.. after asking where it was i found a friend had put it in boot of the car so i got it out quick and gave it its own seat and it was happy.. very trippy :D
that's some trippy shit...


Well-Known Member
This definitely wasn't the smartest thing to do, but I ate an eighth of shrooms last summer around 4th of July. I was at my parents house and after I ate them I forgot that I promised them a fireworks show. So here I am with my mom, stepdad, sister, brother (he was also trippin') and my girlfriend. Everyone but my girlfriend had no idea I ate shrooms obviously. I had about $200 worth of baddass fireworks and just started lighting them off one after another. They looked absolutely amazing exploding in the sky and shit! It wasn't very smart though, I lit on and knocked it over pointing straight at my as I ran away, but I didn't realize it. It was a huge one and when it exploded I was literally only about 15ft away from it. I was lucky to only have a spark hit my thumb which turned into a little was pretty intense but I loved it.
i ate like 7 big ass caps... i was trippen balls. i didnt really hallucinate, i just started to think thinkin bout shit, and getting bad vibes. and my pupils were giant! good shit though!


Well-Known Member
i got mountain climbing and nature walking when i trip..but tahts just me lol it during the day its better=p
ok, so i smoked for the first time in like 3 months. i took like 4 hits from a gravity bong, and im talking big/deep hits. after about 5 mins i was moving in slomo. my whole body was like pulsing with my heart beat. i went into my friends room and laid down, and just listened. the ticking from his clock was going fast then slowing down. when i closed my eyelids i could see right through them. i started to trip out, and i backed up into the corner of his wall, and i felt like i was 2 inches tall and i was looking up into this massive room. it was really freaking me out. it lasted about an hour, after i took a cold shower. when my friends came into the room, they turned on some hardcore music, and i swear i could see the fucking music. this was the worste and best high i have ever felt.