So I Turn On The TV

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
And I see this absolute bullshit. And the sad thing is, there are stupid people who actually believe this shit.:roll:
And so, I've decided to get in on the action. For only $19.95, I will hit you in the head with a hammer until you no longer care about your debt. Act now, and I'll throw in some inappropriate touching and steal your wallet.


Well-Known Member
LMFAO i dont even know how to comment on that.. Maby i should get some of that and Kim Kardashian and Mariah Carry will have a 3 some with me


Active Member
Anybody ever notice what Evian is spelled backwards?

Oh, and one time I was watching one of these healing shows and an elderly lady called in and said, "Last time I called you, you told me to stop taking my medication to see that god had healed me through you, so I did, and my doctors said I'm getting worse." Apparently this douchebag of a human was convincing people that he had a direct line with god and could heal people. It was when I heard this that it became completely outrageous. This lady was dying while this guy lined his pockets because people believed in him. He is the perfect example of an average American, only watching out for himself. I'm not a mean guy usually, but the world would be better off without these types of people.


Well-Known Member
And I see this absolute bullshit. And the sad thing is, there are stupid people who actually believe this shit.:roll:
And so, I've decided to get in on the action. For only $19.95, I will hit you in the head with a hammer until you no longer care about your debt. Act now, and I'll throw in some inappropriate touching and steal your wallet.

fucking classic.. nice.

you could probably sell those same morons some real estate from up on Mars.

seriously.. it takes a true moron to believe this kind of propaganda.


Well-Known Member
Anybody ever notice what Evian is spelled backwards?

Oh, and one time I was watching one of these healing shows and an elderly lady called in and said, "Last time I called you, you told me to stop taking my medication to see that god had healed me through you, so I did, and my doctors said I'm getting worse." Apparently this douchebag of a human was convincing people that he had a direct line with god and could heal people. It was when I heard this that it became completely outrageous. This lady was dying while this guy lined his pockets because people believed in him. He is the perfect example of an average American, only watching out for himself. I'm not a mean guy usually, but the world would be better off without these types of people.
The average american is not a scam artist, and most are capable of being quite generous and compassionate, despite their selfish nature. This guy is a special breed of douchebag reaching levels of shame the average american can't even conceive. I mean that has to be the only explanation as to why people didn't hunt this guy down with torches and pitchforks; they don't understand the pure evil involved.


Well-Known Member
fucking classic.. nice.

you could probably sell those same morons some real estate from up on Mars.

seriously.. it takes a true moron to believe this kind of propaganda.
Yep most are morons. Id even believe that some of them deserved to be scammed for being so gullible. But a good many of his victims are sick and elderly people. People who are confused, senile, lonely, and desperate to get into heaven. People make unsound decisions in the face of desperation, and that is exactly what Peter exploits.


Well-Known Member
my grandparents got caught up in giving a t.v. preacher named dr. robert schuller money back in the 80's. my dad had to step in before they gave everything they had to this tool. i didn't realize how bad it was until after my pop passed away and i was going thru boxes of my grandparents stuff that he kept. i've got 20 one ounce silver coins from dr. schullers hour of power eagles club. what do you think they paid for those?


Well-Known Member
my grandparents got caught up in giving a t.v. preacher named dr. robert schuller money back in the 80's. my dad had to step in before they gave everything they had to this tool. i didn't realize how bad it was until after my pop passed away and i was going thru boxes of my grandparents stuff that he kept. i've got 20 one ounce silver coins from dr. schullers hour of power eagles club. what do you think they paid for those?
Well now days looks like the minimum they could give is $200. Also looks like Dr Schullers isn't doing too well these days.

You have undoubtedly heard the news-our beloved ministry is currently under the protection of Chapter 11
It's true that we were unable to honor many of our bills due to the severe drop in revenues precipitated by these tough economic times.
We desperately need you to join our Platinum Eagles Club for 2011
I like how they reassure you..
we are NOT spending dollars entrusted to us on new gift items at this time...we are "protecting" every dollar we receive
Funny how god is always asking for money, yet always has the nicest house on the block.


Active Member
my grandparents got caught up in giving a t.v. preacher named dr. robert schuller money back in the 80's. my dad had to step in before they gave everything they had to this tool. i didn't realize how bad it was until after my pop passed away and i was going thru boxes of my grandparents stuff that he kept. i've got 20 one ounce silver coins from dr. schullers hour of power eagles club. what do you think they paid for those?
I don't even know who my pops was sending it to but every time he got paid he'd save enough for food, bills and cigarettes with the rest going to some religious people who'd pray for him. I tried to intervene, but because I don't believe in fairy tales that side of the family could care less what I have to say. Hopefully he's spent nowhere near the amount your grandparents did.


Well-Known Member
i'm not into the fairy tales either but my older brother bought into it hook, line, and sinker. he writes a check once a year of 10% of his earnings to the church. the funny part, he's an outlaw biker.

I don't even know who my pops was sending it to but every time he got paid he'd save enough for food, bills and cigarettes with the rest going to some religious people who'd pray for him. I tried to intervene, but because I don't believe in fairy tales that side of the family could care less what I have to say. Hopefully he's spent nowhere near the amount your grandparents did.


Well-Known Member
Devil's advocate here.

As long as no fraud is being committed, it's perfectly legal.

First Amendment, folks.

If you disagree with televangelists, turn off the damn television. Better yet, get rid of it.

My Gram, R.I.P., fell for a similar thing, but it was Reader's Digest.

They had her convinced she would win some hellacious jackpot if she would only buy one more piece of crap.

We never did discover exactly how much money she threw away.

Dad finally had to step in and take over her finances, put her on an allowance, and threaten legal action if the company tried to contact her in any form. It worked. But she never stopped believing the entire scam was on the up and up.


New Member
i'm not into the fairy tales either but my older brother bought into it hook, line, and sinker. he writes a check once a year of 10% of his earnings to the church. the funny part, he's an outlaw biker.
Yea , it's called Mormanism


Well-Known Member
In criminal law, a fraud is an intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual
Using a wireless earpiece to receive information, claiming the info came from god, and then using the credentials to leverage for money would seem deceptive to me. And for what reason if not personal gain?

Instructing or influencing sick and elderly people to cease taking medication against doctors orders is unforgivable no matter what the motivation.

Non-healing a non-existent tumor