So I was thirsty... then came the headrush

Stoned Bhudda

Well-Known Member
Not too long ago, I was sitting on my fu-ton, watching tv, enjoying a phat doobie. I wanted something to drink, and I sprang upwards at the though of the sprite slurpee sitting in my fridge. Now there is this cinder-block that sits comfortably infornt of my futon, to put you're cups or bongs on for easy reaching. I stood up and got a really phat headrush... Then I woke up on the floor, bleeding from the side of my head, with my dad pounding on my door. Appaently, I stood up too fast, and passed out on the way up. I fallen sideways, and the right side of my head made a complete, and thank god flat contact with the cinder-block. Have you ever been sleping, and you're whole body jerks, scares the crap outta you, and wakes you up? Well it felt kinda like that... I was like semi-concious. It didnt do any damage anything, but it really fuckin hurt, and made a bit of a mess on my carpet sacred the hell out of me. I was preet blazed up at the time, and I fear it may have had something to do with the pot... Anybody else get headrushes, or strange feelings when high? Im scared to get real baked with my buddies now, and I have dreams where I take a big bong-rip then pass out... Anything similar?? Anoyone??


Well-Known Member
no, sorry. i have never gotten so high that i hit myself in the head with a cinder block. lol

Stoned Bhudda

Well-Known Member
I dont think you understand what happend... I stood up real-fast. Ive gotten headrushes before like that, but neaver passed out... And i mean I had a stong stone going on, but I wasnt goffy, or retarded baked... I was just good and baked.


Well-Known Member
im not sure about the headrush
Have you ever been sleping, and you're whole body jerks, scares the crap outta you, and wakes you up?
Thats happend to me alot of time when i was younger but it seemed to stop

What did your dad say when he saw you??


Well-Known Member
I've had the sleeping and the weird body thingy.
*does not wanna say what he said*

Usually it's when i get hit by a car in my dreams..

And as for the jumping up and passing out..i could understand it if you were drunk as it's happened to me many times.

Well ok not that i have a fookin cinderblock in my room.. that's just weird [tables are so much more civilized..]

Just Chill Winston, Get up SLOOOOOWLY.
who needs to rush!

Stoned Bhudda

Well-Known Member
I wanted my sprite, and I didnt think... I was totally stoked on it. My dad just poend my door and ran over, I told im I was ok, that I really hurt, but I didnt need to go to the hospital. Not that it would matter... WOOT free helathcare! As for the cinder block... you wouldnt beleiver how appropriate it is... A table is simply too large, and not tall enough. The cinder block was the eprfect height for setting down you're drink, and piucking it back up again or bong... Strange though, everybody who I told asked me why I had a friggin cinder block in my room It just does its job really well.


Well-Known Member
Couldn't you at least like..paint it or something. :|

Just seems silly to me...
one day it will make you trip up, or you will stub your toe and you will cry!


Well-Known Member
I wanted my sprite, and I didnt think... I was totally stoked on it. My dad just poend my door and ran over, I told im I was ok, that I really hurt, but I didnt need to go to the hospital. Not that it would matter... WOOT free helathcare! As for the cinder block... you wouldnt beleiver how appropriate it is... A table is simply too large, and not tall enough. The cinder block was the eprfect height for setting down you're drink, and piucking it back up again or bong... Strange though, everybody who I told asked me why I had a friggin cinder block in my room It just does its job really well.

so it was up on end. ouch. yes, i do get head rushes if i stand to fast. never passed out though.


Well-Known Member
we all get head rushes, i get them if im sober. ur laying on ur bed in a weird position ( ur head isnt in right position or maybe it is) and u get up and u get dizzy or a bad headache. but theres a simple cure for this get really baked.....and get up SLOWLY lol


Active Member
I love head rushes, ive only blacked out one time when i was on a highschool trip to the mountains tho.


Well-Known Member
i was itting on my leg on the comp one night. i stood up and it felt like there was a hole in the floor. i feel over. thought, wow, that was weird. then i stood up. it felt like there was a hole in the floor. i fell over. my whole leg was completely numb.


Well-Known Member
I did the same thing when I was 15. Have the scar on my eyebrow to prove it.

I think because Im tall. 6'5" thats a long way for the blood to go to get to the brain. Now when I get that dizzy feeling when I get up too fast I just immediately squat on the floor. I figure if Im about to passout...the closer to the floor the better.


Well-Known Member
lol nice.

as a famous old black family sitcom would say

"Will you do it your closer to the door"
"and your closer to the floor"
