So Im sitten here watching Yo Gabba Gabba...


Well-Known Member
So Im sitting here watching this show called Yo Gabba Gabba with my 5 year old... WTF! OMFG! I can't believe this is a show for children. Not to mention one of the characters is named FUPA....and she has a FUPA. Im not sure if anyone has heard that term before but if not I went to urban dictionary and pasted the definition below.
Acronym for "Fat Upper Pubic Area"; common misinterpretations include "Fat Upper Pussy Area," "Fat Upper Penile Area" and "Farting Under Pelicans Asses." Also, often confused with FUBU, an overpriced brand of clothes that suburban caucasian adolescent males wear to impress suburban caucasian females who associate the clothing with large genetalia.

Descriptive of the phenomenon common with men and women so afflicted by obesity that their pubic area is used to store patches of fatty waste.
"Can a nigga get a FUPA dance?"
"Shake your FUPA like no one is watching"
"You don't love me, you just love my FUPA biatch!"
End Definition.

Someone made this cartoon for people who are on something. Not to mention, BIZ Markee is on all of the shows! Too funny!


Check it out real quick for a good laugh.


Well-Known Member
Writers are funny buggers huh:mrgreen:
It took them 20 years to notice that a kids show in my country that was called Capitan Pugwash the pirate had several other badly named characters that the writers had penned in to show the stupidity and thoughtlessness of most people and the producers/directors in general after writers had once again been mistreated by the so called better and higher paid officials.

Captain pugwash is slang for washing the end of your dick.:mrgreen:
Seaman stanes,pretty obvious really:mrgreen:
Master bates,pretty obvious really.

I expect there was more but i cant remember it really.
Pretty damn funny really:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
common misinterpretations include "Fat Upper Pussy Area," "Fat Upper Penile Area" and "Farting Under Pelicans Asses." WTF?!?! lmao


Well-Known Member
common misinterpretations include "Fat Upper Pussy Area," "Fat Upper Penile Area" and "Farting Under Pelicans Asses." WTF?!?! lmao
I've personally never heard the farting under pelicans asses...that was from urban dictionary. Ive only heard fat upper pussy area... and for dudes we use fat upper dick area...FUDA.


Well-Known Member
I went for the virtual scanner darkly theme:peace::joint:
Your ava is cool to love the way you captured the smoke being exhaled:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I went for the virtual scanner darkly theme:peace::joint:
Your ava is cool to love the way you captured the smoke being exhaled:blsmoke:
Thanks my cousin actually took that pic of me with my cam about a year ago. Its hard to capture smoke that good. The original looks just as cool I think.