So is curing that important

does curing just make it taste better or actually make you get higher. what im wanting to know is.. is it that important cause i jus want to dry


Well-Known Member
Curing is everything , cutting corners after all your efforts is somewhat silly , imo , i sometimes smoke uncured budd when i run out and its 60% as good as when its cured , uncured , is harsh and to sticky for me.


Active Member
Curing IS Everything when you are looking for smootheness, taste and quality.... Lets face it though.... Most of the commercial growers dont cure, because it takes too long, and thats $$ they lose... You know when you see buds that look and smell great, get you super high.... but taste like hay?? They are not cured.... Cured weed is WAAY better, but most people dont know the difference... If your doing it small scale for yourself and want the best from your grow, cure it!! Its really not that hard.... Just Jar it up, and burp them for 20 min everyday for a week or so..... Then seal em and store em...


Well-Known Member
I say yes, but not as much as the hype says. you can do it reasonably to have them ready about 2-3 weeks after harvest, assuming one week to dry and one or two weeks to sweat the buds out. Longer may be better, but imo waiting isnt an option.


Well-Known Member
does curing just make it taste better or actually make you get higher. what im wanting to know is.. is it that important cause i jus want to dry
Curing wont increase potency but it'll help smooth out the smoke and add complexity to the flavor. It also seals in or brings out the aroma so your product is the whole package, not just something that gets you high.


Well-Known Member
imo.. its kinda like wine ... more age (cure) better taste .. cheap wine isnt aged(cured) like a more expensive wine .. the more expensive one tastes better and smells better ... but both get you just as drunk


Cuuurrreeee!! it helps dispense the moister evenly throughout all the foliage so that it burns smooth, evenly, and most importantly enjoyably bongsmilie:lol:


New Member
I believe, and i'm only like 80% sure on this. As the weed drys out slowly and the water evaporates, the terpines convert the THC to a more psychoactive state. In other words I think it does get more potent with curing. Not a higher THC% but higher of the THC type that gets you effed up.


Scientia Cannabis
I believe, and i'm only like 80% sure on this. As the weed drys out slowly and the water evaporates, the terpines convert the THC to a more psychoactive state. In other words I think it does get more potent with curing. Not a higher THC% but higher of the THC type that gets you effed up.

Where is your source?

THC will degrade after harvest if you don't take care of it (keep it away from: sunlight/light, high RH/low RH, High/low temp.
All of these affect the weed and how much THC is degraded into CBN.
imo.. its kinda like wine ... more age (cure) better taste .. cheap wine isnt aged(cured) like a more expensive wine .. the more expensive one tastes better and smells better ... but both get you just as drunk
wrong cheap wine that isnt a very old vintage gets you drunker and tastes harsher as the aged expensive wine alcohol content slowly degrades making it better tasting and more full bodied and less strong

Sara Saw It

Active Member
Curing is everything. You could grow the best strain in the most optimal conditions, and if you didn't cure it properly, it would taste & smoke like grass (the kind you mow with a lawnmower)


Well-Known Member
Guess some people are better than other's at picking up on sarcasm.
Oh i picked it up , just thought when ppl are trying to learn , it aint needed , oh , when you jump on a bandwagon , makesure the wheels are still turning :)