So I've decided to taper down my nutes instead of flush... Should I cut all N out?

Weed Anubis

Well-Known Member
depends how far along you are if u are still in grow then i wouldn't advise it but if u are already in bloom then yea go ahead, however u cant really cut all N out most nutes have some N in them even if it says zero read the back there is like 0.01, lol not much but its there.
N is used to help the plants roots and growth if u are down having your plant grow then yea, besides im assume you are flushing for only a week? or?


Well-Known Member
I'm about 8 days out. I think I'm just going to give them one more low dose and then water for the rest of the time!


Well-Known Member
dnt completey cut nitrogen out, its a big big part aiding in the plants growth, even in flowering if not more so
whats the difference? hes 8 days out and most people wouldnt be adding anything. not sure why hes not flushing and still adding any nutes? anyone care to clarify why its not getting flushed??


Active Member
there are arguments both way man some people say flush for flavor(not proven) and some people say nute up to the end so the plant will keep getting bigger. Just depends on your preference


Well-Known Member
I believe the OP wants to know about using a Mono PK product to finish with...

british_hempire said:
What they do is cut down the base nute by 25% in week 8, then another 25% in week 9, another 25% in week 10 and the last 25% in week 11, week 12 just water. This means the micros in the base nutes are slowly trailed off over those four weeks. I'm pretty sure they don't use any additives, just NPK and the 7 key micros in the right proportions.

So their regime from week 7 to harvest would be like this:

................ Base Nutrient ...... PK
. Week 7 .......... 100%
. Week 8 ........... 75% ............ 25%
. Week 9 ........... 50% ............ 50%
Week 10 ........... 25% ............ 75%
Week 11 .............................. 100%
Week 12 ........ Flush with water

Hope that makes sense.

If we assume a base nute with an NPK of 20-10-40 and MPK is 0-50-30 then that regime would give these NPKs:

.Week 7 ... 20-10-40
.Week 8 ... 15-20-37.5
.Week 9 ... 10-30-35
Week 10 .... 5-40-32.5
Week 11 .... 0-50-30
Week 12 .... 0 -0 - 0

Breaking down the NPKs like that allows you to see how the N trails off and the P ramps up while the K stays fairly constant, this is what you want as N will prolong flowering and give leafy buds, P produces more and more buds and the K is needed at a high level for resin production.

Hope this helps, please feel free to ask any more questions or point out any errors I might have made.

Personally, I would add molasses, kelp, humic, fulvic and aminos to that regime. If you look at a typical bottled nute range such as Canna, you would get the same NPKs with the same additives I just listed but they would cost you a load of money. The Canna A+B is the base nute and also has kelp, humic and fulvic, the PK13-14 is the MPK equivalent and Canna Boost contains the aminos, molasses and some other stuff they aren't too clear about telling us about.

I can give you the breakdown of the salts in Canna A+B if you like. PK13-14 contains only two things - mono potassium phosphate and phosphoric acid.


Well-Known Member
JJ this is exactly what I am going for. So thanks. I'm on strait water now. I'm gonna "flush" 3 days out right before I go to total dark for 3 days. Then it will be harvest time!