so many different opinions


first post here guys. i have already learned so much from reading on here.
planning to do an indoor CFL grow, maybe about 3 plants to start. thinking of going with the Nirvana seeds called AK48 (feminized). i have been trying to get some bag seeds to pop (while i am waiting on the good ones to get here) in a paper towel and they barely split and you see the white part but it never comes out. i have tried leaving some in the paper and i have tried putting other ones in some normal potting soil (not miracle grow, just dirt) but nothing is working. they just barely crack open but they dont ever grow any further. i have tried them outside in the sun , in the dark in the basement (where i plan to grow, 75 degrees), and i have tried putting them under the lights , nothing at all makes any difference.
i am a bit worried about when i get my seeds, whether i can get them to grow any better. what could i be doing wrong here? i know there are so many different ideas about what is the best way to germinate so before i get my seeds in the mail i really need to know what i am doing .
maybe my biggest questions are: what soil should i start in and what soil should i move them to after they are growing well? should i buy or make some sort of "propagator" to get the seeds to pop? should i use the soil method or the paper towel method? soak them in some water overnight or not? so many questions, and i dont want to screw up $50 worth of seeds.
i am not worried about the lighting or anything else, i got that part down, just what type of soils/nutes to use in the beginning and what kind/when to switch the soil or add nutes. and how to get the damn seeds to germinate. frustrating, good thing i have something to call down with, lol. thanks for the help people.:?:


Well-Known Member
I would see what soils are available to you locally an decide from there. someone might get you sold on some kind of soil that is not even available to you. starting seeds is up to the holder. i like the soak in water over night as no roots are damaged but like you said 50 people will disagree with the 50 that agree maybe do a side by side with paper towel and soak and see which you prefer. just watch them and you probably wont waste any of your 50 dollar investment as long as they are viable. the soil you choose will regulate when to use nutrients. I personally dont switch soils from seedling to plant i use what ever i use if its roots or ffof i use it straight through with no problematic issues but again others might argue this. I would add perlite or clay acorns to whatever soil you choose but i like mine to drain might not dig that. and always with new nutrients until you are familiar with them start at 1/4 strength. good luck!!! enjoy the best buds youll ever have...yours!


Well-Known Member
i personally do the paper towel thing...i soak it, then put my seeds in it...fold it up, put it in an old pickel jar...just outside direct light, but close enough to keep the jar warm...then shut the lid, and 2-3 days later they are germed in in the dirt...100% success rate for me, except some super dank weed seeds i had for 10 years, and tried to germ then...ya nothing happened even after 2 weeks.


I use miracle gro potting mix & fox farms nutes & liquid fish fert,
I germinate in a pill bottle in fresh water in 24hr darkness then in soil only takes about
3 to 4 days for mine to pop out. i start to give em nutes around the 3rd week in veg.
good luck...


Sector 5 Moderator
I know how frustrating this can be. One of the key ingredients in popping seeds is *heat*. You want it around 75-80 degrees but not much hotter than that. Get the best quality potting soil you canfind and start them out in that. Just wet the soil first and then plant them 1/4" inch deep. If you plant first then water, there is no telling how deep they will be. Keep them in a warm place 75 - 80 degrees. Nature has this stuff down pat.


great info guys , nice work.
i have a lowes and menards nearby , of course walmart too. they all sell miracle grow products but not much else. was thinking of doing the fox farms ocean forest soil -- its gets good but also mixed reviews . so i might just go with miracle grow and add the fox farms nutes with some worm castings and perlite mixed in. should be happy i think. thanks again for the help here.


See if you have a local hydroponic store, chances are if your in a city you do. This will become an invaluable resource for your supplies and knowledge if it is a reputable hydro shop. Obviously you cannot discuss what your growing, but you sure can ask a lot of questions.

My local Home Depot, Lowes, menards, wall-mart only carried Miracle Grow products. The hydro store has Fox Farms, and several other brands I would imagine. Fox Farms also makes Happy Frog brand which already contains the ingredients your adding and a few more. I personally went with this brand because it would have been twice as much to purchase all ingredients separately. The Happy Frog is not as " hot " as FFOF either.

If your using a rich soil base then no Nutrients for the first 3 -4 weeks as the soil should be able to carry them that far. Then like Cacamal says go 1/4 strength and see how they react. I think most people try to do too much too often. Water too often, too much nutes, etc.

Water well and keep damp while vegging, but let the container dry out a little between. Don't always keep it soggy. Use plain ph balanced water every other watering too. So if they need water 2x's a week, once nutes, once plain.

Good luck with your new lifetime hobby!