So much choice! wat do i choose?!


Active Member
Hey there i am looking for a good strain for my first grow, i have been looking up for weeks on what to grow.

i want a medium hight strain, quick flowering, high thc and easy enough to grow.

hope you can help.


Brick Top

New Member
Skip blueberry. It is finicky and not the easiest of strains to grow. It can easily be over-fertilized and that is a common newb mistake, so as a newb it would not be a great choice. Skunk #1 would be a better choice.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I was gonna say NL, good pick on the seeds. Also, good luck and hopefully we get to see some pics?


Active Member
yeah i am just getting eveything ready and starting to grow in september wen i go back to university. i will start another thread soon on building my grow cab :)