So Much has gone wrong!


Hello everybody! I have alot of questions about my plant that I am hoping you will be kind enough to answer. I say kind because this is my first plant, and I know for a fact that I have messed it up pretty bad(with the help of my step-father and cat...). Anyways, I was given this plant by someone who owed me money, He told me it was sour diesel. To begin with, It had to make an 8hr drive home in the back of my mustang with all my crap and it was about dead when I got it home. so it took about 2 or 3 weeks for it to get to looking normal again. Since then it has grown to about 2 and a half feet, And i have started the flowering stage for about a week maybe two now. But it seems to me that for as long as i've been growing it, it should be bigger by now. Also it seems like the flowering isn't going as fast as it should. I am going to post some pics up as soon as I get back. I was wanting to know if it looks like it's supposed to, what seems wrong with it. My Step father had me pulling leaves off and cutting bottom branches off, I don't know if that was good. also my cat jumped onto it and broke off 1/3 of the whole yield, one 2ft branch. I give you all these details because I figure if you know the plants history then you'll be able to tell me more of what's wrong with it. Also I don't even know for sure if it is sour diesel, I'm hoping someone could tell me. So i'll have pics soon, Thanks to anyone who can help.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't sound that bad to me. You can chop a plant to shit and it will be fine, just smaller than if you hadn't (seems like you loose not only the amount you cut off, but also some growth).

It's not dieing, so it sounds like your feeding / ph is somewhat right. If you plan to keep growing, now is when you want to be taking clones.


Sorry it took so long, I got them though, I took a lot, I wanted to get every angle. One is just a few days after the trip to my place when it started doing better. And I think I put one in there when it still had the 3 branches.



Ursus marijanus
Cloning isn't hard, but you have to do it in veg. Once flowering is induced, you can't really take a clone.
Imo your plant looks ok. Just remember - low light, so gentle on the nutes. Jmo
cheers 'neer


Well-Known Member
Doesn't sound that bad to me. You can chop a plant to shit and it will be fine, just smaller than if you hadn't (seems like you loose not only the amount you cut off, but also some growth).

It's not dieing, so it sounds like your feeding / ph is somewhat right. If you plan to keep growing, now is when you want to be taking clones.
It is bad!

So dude you got a skinny ass plant in flower, hardly any leaves, very very low light, looks overwatered, imbalanced nutrient wise and even if new growth shows through good it is too little too late.

I do not like the idea of cloning a plant with as many problems as this neither do i feel the sucess rate will be high let alone for a new grower.

Bad news dude, some will try and be positive but unless the guy owed you about a buck fifty i would be taking that trusty baseball bat with me on my next visit!lol!

These plants would make good practice for the next grow though. Peace


Well-Known Member
It is bad!

So dude you got a skinny ass plant in flower, hardly any leaves, very very low light, looks overwatered, imbalanced nutrient wise and even if new growth shows through good it is too little too late.

I do not like the idea of cloning a plant with as many problems as this neither do i feel the sucess rate will be high let alone for a new grower.

Bad news dude, some will try and be positive but unless the guy owed you about a buck fifty i would be taking that trusty baseball bat with me on my next visit!lol!

These plants would make good practice for the next grow though. Peace
Totally agree, taking clones from sick plants usually just means sick clones or clones that never root. As far as taking clones in flower is concerned, it can be done but it can take a while for them to root and even longer for new growth to start. I took a cutting off of a white widow that was 7 weeks into flower and I nearly tossed it because it had been sitting on my clone shelf for nearly 2 months and wasn't doing shit. One day I watered it with some leftover, full strength nutes and about 3 days later it was sprouting new leaves all over the place!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hey Doc111 long time no see, still a MoD as well, congrats.

I wanted to be more positive about this plant but i didn't know what to say, just seems like lucky if you'll get a few clones to root and it looks too far gone to be bothered with plus no lights. He may prosper better outdoors depending on the climate and temps etc etc but i feel at this stage maybe just treat it as a learning experiment. Maybe work on getting the watering right in those big pots or try and clone but look into getting the next grow under way with better setup and experience right from the off.

I've seen people save plants like these and can be fun doing so but as for harvesting of it as it is i just cant see it getting more than a couple of joints worth. Nice house plant to keep around though. Peace


Well that sucks, But i'm sure that i've been watering it correctly though. And the lights were so low in the pics because it was actually it's bed time so I didn't want to put all of its lights on. How much lighting should it be getting? I beleive I have a 100 watt heat bulb, and a 14 watt energy efficient bulb that shines real bright. I have started using some nutrients since I transplanted it about 2 or 3 weeks ago, It said every 7 days, I don't know if that is correct for this plant, that's just what the product told me to put. And what do you mean unless he owed me a buck fifty? Do you know what kind of plant it is? Cause I have no clue... thanks for the feedback everyone.


Well-Known Member
Probably shouldnt need nutrients yet dude, those pots look quite big and full of them. 100watt heat light sounds like it is for warming things not growing with. As for how much light for that bigger plant id say 150watt to 250watt minimun for a good yeild but its got a way to go before this happens.

Sour diesel is a good strain just like most but if i could borrow money and pay you in plants id be happy too!lol! Seeds are like a few ponds/dollars each and soil is even cheaper. They have just had a lot of bad growth that they dont look good, well the biggest one anyway, the small outdoor one might make it if you lay of the ferts and let it do its thing. Peace


Well-Known Member
Cloning isn't hard, but you have to do it in veg.
This isn't true - you can do it at least until the third week of flowering.

I think a lot of the discrepancies about what does and doesn't work for cloning comes from peoples different setups. I knew this old hippy who used to insist that you had to take huge clones - like 6-8 inches long. Thing is, he wasn't using a humidity dome either (I think he just used rooting compound and party cups with peat in them)

Guess my point is, don't assume you can't clone something until you really, really tweak your setup. A humidity dome coupled with foliar feeding seems to help more than anything.


So is it safe for me to buy seeds and have them mailed here? I live in florida and any part of marijuana is illegal. I don't know if they have dogs that'll pick up on it or something. Has anyone in the states ever used one of these sites advertised?


Well-Known Member
I can recoment the Attitude seed bank on others reviews and free t-shirt not to mention free seeds for every order, will be my next seed bank purchase as well. Peace


Alright, I'll have to ask around more though, still risky. My leaves have been turning brown and kinda crunchy today Is that a sign of something?