So Much has gone wrong!


Active Member
I hate to say it but it may be time to start over, I would spend a lot of time reading as many grow journals as possible. Take notes and develop a plan. After you have a plan, post it and let people comment. I have just started my first grow. I spent 3 months studying before I even got my seeds. We all will have problems, some major and some minor but some good research my prevent a few headaches. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Just dont make it tough on your self when you first start. There is always the easy and hard way approach, i'll detail the easy way for you-

1. Buy seedling soil, perlite and three inch pots with matching saucers.
2. In a seperate container mix 30% perlite to 70% soil.
3. Now fill the three inch pots and thoroughly soak, water will run out of the bottom when done.
4. Make a small indent about 4mm down into the centre of the soil and place seed in, then cover.
5. Wait, pot should dry every three to four days which is when you water again.

Then the seedling sprouts and you give it a week or two before repotting up into a 5 inch pot of seedling soil to which you'll need to add nothong but water for two weeks. Please make fertilizers last on the list when soil growing, soil has ferts in already, you buy seedling soil because this is the desired fert soil level for seedlings and very young veg plants.

For the hard way read numerous threads in the problem section. Peace


Alright, I'll try that on my next one. Thanks for all the info, I guess I'm off to find someone in florida who has bought seeds before.


Well-Known Member
I cant tell you what is wrong with your leaves but it indicates that you are doing a lot wrong and failing to keep it simple. Peace


Active Member
To give up, start over, research and make a new plan. Just reading about plants and plant problems can be the best way to prevent future headaches.

I would guess, toxic build up. Pull the plant out of the medium, and re pot in a fresh soil. ..........not wort it. Start over.


Active Member
your not going to get much out of this,learn some basics first then grow a few new ones when you get a better handle on it ...READ UP ....IT'S ALL HERE ON THIS WONDERFUL SITE..FEAST YOUR MIND...